‘프로포폴 투약’ 가수 휘성, 2심도 징역 3년
가수 휘성. 연합뉴스 수면마취제인 프로포폴을 상습적으로 투약한 혐의로 기소된 가수 휘성(본명 최휘성)에게 검찰이 항소심에서도 징역형을 구형했다. 검찰은 8일 대구지법 형사항소5부(김성열 부장판사) 심리로 열린 휘성의
In his first trial in March the judge sentenced him to 1 year in prison, 2 years suspended (probation), 40 hours of community service and 40 hours of drug treatment lecture. The prosecutor, who asked for a 3 year sentence appealed this.
Wheesung has admitted to his crime and has been receiving treatment for insomnia, panic disorder and depression for close to two years.
His appeal trial will take place on the 13th of next month.