[단독] ‘女돌 비하 단어 사용 논란’ 라이언전 “스케쥴 전부 취소, 자숙 기간 가질 것” (인터뷰)
(엑스포츠뉴스 이정범 기자) 부적절 단어 사용 논란이 일었던 작곡가 라이언전이 반성과 자숙의 뜻을 전했다. 최근 작곡가 라이언전은 온라인상에서 여자아이돌을 지칭하는 단어로 사용하기에 부적합한 단어를 사용한 것으로 논
Let's not forget he's literally debuting a gg
frankly forcing underage idols to get PS should be illegal
frankly forcing underage idols to get PS should be illegal
I really hope I'm wrong and it's a case of over Photoshop.
But I somehow doubt it.
They're mostly reversible. Unfortunately, fillers tend to migrate and sometimes there's really no going back.
Some not so good nose jobs happened there, too. I don't know what the company is thinking.
What did he call them?
What did he call them?
It a combination of Pussy and Idols, Pus-Dols
What did he call them?
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