Mfs always downplaying BTS’s achievements and struggles. when BTS got a Grammy nomination, the reporters brushed it off as unimportant as it was not in the major category according to them.

    When BTS didn’t win, they said BTS failed in getting a Grammy instead of being appreciative that Korean singers from their country are Grammy nominated.

    Mfs kept their quiet when BTS were being discriminated by western music/ media industry and westerners.

    They are salty and useless to the point of BTS expecting them to write negative articles about them. Screw yall mfs who only write mediaplay articles…

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    Edited 2 times, last by BRIYANI ().


    Changed the title of the thread from “KMEDIA IS USELESS and SHIT” to “SCREW K-MEDIA AND ITS BITTER TREATMENT TOWARDS BTS”.
  • k-media and western media are useless money greedy p***. They only care about money they get from big3 and big western music company for doing media play about their artists. I have seen that those media play always include bts in some way. They try to show that bts are declining and xyz are the next big thing, replacing bts. B***s**t. No one cares except their stans.


  • they're disgusting.

    in the end bts will win, being media-played won't get you sold out stadiums and albums (physicals and digitals)

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  • k-media and western media are useless money greedy p***. They only care about money they get from big3 and big western music company for doing media play about their artists. I have seen that those media play always include bts in some way. They try to show that bts are declining and xyz are the next big thing, replacing bts. B***s**t. No one cares except their stans.

    They are always willing to use BTS to compare them with other artists saying these artists are on the same level as BTS or they are surpassing BTS while keeping their mouth shut about BTS. If BTS was from my country, the media will be blasting news about them

  • they're disgusting.

    in the end bts will win, being media-played won't get you sold out stadiums and albums (physicals and digitals)

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    Exactly, loud about other artists achieving a small victory but silent about BTS. Wonder why they cannot reciprocate the same energy with BTS.

    btw who is charting on #20?

    • Official Post

    They are naysayers who are always wishing on their downfall, like some in this forum


    and k-media has never really done much for BTS tbh

    They only went from ignoring their overseas achievements to glossing over them

    my expectations for kmedia were already in hell

    so this is not surprising

    I just feel bad because the boys see it themselves

  • I hope those negative articles don't affect them mentally. :-(

    Those journalists always need content, so it isn't surprising when they write such shit for extra clicks.

    It’s not just about them writing negative articles it’s about them never acknowledging BTS and downplaying their achievements. They are ready to write 1000 articles on their “scandals” and When other artists get articles about them having victories?but pure silence about their achievements?. The boys mentioning it openly multiple times and stating that they discussed about these articles means they are affected by it to a certain degree.

  • yep

    and k-media has never really done much for BTS tbh

    They only went from ignoring their overseas achievements to glossing over them

    my expectations for kmedia were already in hell

    They are similar to western media in that sense. Once they realised they cannot ignore them anymore, they started writing about them but dismissively. And the fact that their company doesn’t do media play makes these behaviours of the media very obvious

  • as usual, i always expect the worst from k-media. so glad BTS excels without the media play.

    just sucks other ent companies use BTS to elevate the careers of other k-acts. in the end, i don't even see improvements in atleast spotify or youtube streams of those k-acts. very funny.

  • they're disgusting.

    in the end bts will win, being media-played won't get you sold out stadiums and albums (physicals and digitals)

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    And some still deny that.

    I also will smirk when I read threads about k-media hyping their faves. So proud when it’s obvious media play.

    We have been there done that since forever. That’s why people were so surprised when BTS shot to fame because they climbed gradually but their climb was not documented by the k-media.

    And that’s why ARMY pushed BTS, not for awards and accolades but for their music to be heard. Because we know, once people hear and get to know BTS, they will fall in love. And that way, more people will push BTS and let them get bigger until the media (korean or the west) can not ignore them anymore.

    Media are still doing that and those who say no are blind and probably have selective perception lol

  • as usual, i always expect the worst from k-media. so glad BTS excels without the media play.

    just sucks other ent companies use BTS to elevate the careers of other k-acts. in the end, i don't even see improvements in atleast spotify or youtube streams of those k-acts. very funny.

    these media journalists use BTS to elevate other artists but at the same time never acknowledge BTS. What kinda stupid ass game they keep playing? Karma will hit these media like a truck

  • You are right, that is why there are always talks about BTS being inorganic when they had one of the best gradual growth. The boys have been working hard, growing for the past 8 years. Their success now is the fruit of these 8 years. But since media never once published about them, people think they are one hit wonders or a new trend. This is why armys are loud, and we need to continue to be loud. Our goal is always to make BTS’s music heard and make them untouchable

  • Lol, K-Media is a joke. But I would try to take that more as a compliment. The media can't find nothing more, except as in the example that BTS would be only one week at #1 and not two weeks. That's the only thing they can attack BTS with. And that's not even an attack, because that is still the biggest achievment a kpop artist has made.

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