Ever since I saw the first ep of s3 i had a feeling this will just ruin the entire drama for me. They could've had an amazing conclusion at the end of s2 by completing Joo dan tae backstory etc but nooo they just gotta keep ruining it by making the plot go everywhere, the characters are loosing their touch and the addition of irrelevant characters is getting annoying. Ik this show is supposed to be hella extra which is why i enjoyed s1-2 but now it’s just what???
The fact that the actor playing Logan grew in america and agreed to play a role like this is just a huge turn off for me. White people are portrayed as classy business people on this show while the one time black people are shown, they portray them as thugs (i even noticed how Alex had black guards plzzzzz) [if you need examples I will gladly list them down] I didn't care much about the tats but the damn dreads did it for me. This is ignorance! Cultural appropriation! It’s not the first time people called out idols or shows doing these type of stuff which shows they dgaf. It’s also sad that every time some of us try to defend these types of situations we are “overreacting” or I’ve noticed people bringing excuses that “Asian people who are thugs looks like this” or how “dreads were not originated by us” etc... These kind of stereotypes has been so normalized in society that people don’t see it as an issue anymore and how it degrades so many black people who do not act like this. Not just Korea but in so many other countries we are seen as jokes and unaccepted because of the way we are portrayed in the media.
I will finish watching this show and provide my overall thought but gosh will I ever recommend it again to anyone? Up to season 2 yes (I’m so sad because it was doing so well) but overall no.

Damn penthouse...
Penthouse season 3 is straight up trash, everything is so unrealistic, Seokkyung who was abused by her father emotionally and physically suddenly wants him back to her life and Logan’s twin brother story doesn’t make any sense to the plot, they would’ve mentioned it way back in season 1 during Logan’s backstory introduction. They really should have finished it at season 2. And they ruined our best character Shim Soo Ryun
2 episodes and extremely dissapointing. It's clear that it was way too rushed only to get the money, but they could have waited until autumn and release something better.
That twin is so forced. There was no hint about him during Seol-Ah's days in America but now looks like Logan and Alex were close and lived in the same house lol. I wouldn't be surprised if Logan is again undercover lol, but it's too stupid if not, they should have used another actor.
They made Seok Kyung look like a spoiled brat. I was hoping for development for her since she is already 18-19 years old and she should have some rational filters but instead she acts like a 12 yo spoiled kid. Disappointing, but maybe it will get better in the next episodes.
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