School starts next week, so can I get some study tips?
Procrastination is a bitch.
I start projects a couple weeks early. Same with studying for exams. I find it A LOT less stressful that way.
In my opinion, less stress = better performance overall. Better retention too.
Procrastination is a bitch.
I start projects a couple weeks early. Same with studying for exams. I find it A LOT less stressful that way.
In my opinion, less stress = better performance overall. Better retention too.
what materials do you use to study for exams?
log out of akp lol
if i knew i'd be studying rn
Things I do
- Study the topics covered in class ( the same week the topic is taught in class) and make sure you understand all the concepts that were taught in class. (This makes it easier to study for final exams). At the end of every chapter, I like to make a summary of all the important things in that chapter. You can study ahead if you like (if the course has a schedule).
- Look ahead on schedule for all your classes on weekends ( can be any day) and note all the projects/ assignments due the next week (if there is a big project coming up start earlier than 1 week). Then plan what day/how many hours you need days to complete those assignments. Then make a schedule on how you will complete the assignments at least 1 day before the due date. I take a lot of classes that require programming and this has helped me a lot.
- Ask for help. If you don't understand anything ask your professor or TA before all the things you don't understand start piling up. Most times things topics in later chapters build on concepts from earlier chapters.
(coming from a A student)
don't ever procrastinate.. it's not worth it and you will be bound to fail.
if you have questions about anything then it will help a lot to just ask your teacher (i usually ask in class or email my teacher). having questions doesn't make you dumb, it makes you dumb if you don't ask someone.
don't study too much either. i've tried the whole pulling off an all-nighter to study trend and it's not worth it. you should get rest instead.
don't stress too much and save time to do things that are fun.
More time in studying, less time in akp
Jot down what you need to do in your calendar. Like if you are suppose to make summary notes, jot it down. If you are suppose to complete your assignment, jot it down. Even if you are suppose to study, jot it down.
At least for me once I jot down what I need to do I make an effort to do it by that day because if I don't, I will have to reshift those assignments to another day which ALREADY HAVE EXISTING STUFF TO DO, and that makes me go like "fk if I don't do this today I will need to do it tomorrow, together with the 3 other shit that I need to also do tomorrow, so I better fking do it now"
Most important thing is to be kind to yourself and make sure that you take some breaks. Getting up and getting your blood moving in good, maybe some yoga or light exercise to help boost your mood. Having a good calendar/planner/bullet journal/ or whatever you use to plan can be helpful to avoid procrastination.
best Advice:
I know its hard but, JUST DO IT!!!
Your future self will thank you
I'm rooting for you. :)
Things I do
- Study the topics covered in class ( the same week the topic is taught in class) and make sure you understand all the concepts that were taught in class. (This makes it easier to study for final exams). At the end of every chapter, I like to make a summary of all the important things in that chapter. You can study ahead if you like (if the course has a schedule).
- Look ahead on schedule for all your classes on weekends ( can be any day) and note all the projects/ assignments due the next week (if there is a big project coming up start earlier than 1 week). Then plan what day/how many hours you need days to complete those assignments. Then make a schedule on how you will complete the assignments at least 1 day before the due date. I take a lot of classes that require programming and this has helped me a lot.
- Ask for help. If you don't understand anything ask your professor or TA before all the things you don't understand start piling up. Most times things topics in later chapters build on concepts from earlier chapters.
(coming from a A student)
don't ever procrastinate.. it's not worth it and you will be bound to fail.
if you have questions about anything then it will help a lot to just ask your teacher (i usually ask in class or email my teacher). having questions doesn't make you dumb, it makes you dumb if you don't ask someone.
don't study too much either. i've tried the whole pulling off an all-nighter to study trend and it's not worth it. you should get rest instead.
don't stress too much and save time to do things that are fun.
Jot down what you need to do in your calendar. Like if you are suppose to make summary notes, jot it down. If you are suppose to complete your assignment, jot it down. Even if you are suppose to study, jot it down.
At least for me once I jot down what I need to do I make an effort to do it by that day because if I don't, I will have to reshift those assignments to another day which ALREADY HAVE EXISTING STUFF TO DO, and that makes me go like "fk if I don't do this today I will need to do it tomorrow, together with the 3 other shit that I need to also do tomorrow, so I better fking do it now"
Do you type notes or take hand-written notes?
Do you type notes or take hand-written notes?
My economics modules (I'm an econ major) mostly handwritten, because there are a lot of math involved and sometimes graphs so it's easier to hand write and draw
For my other modules which are more essay based I usually do it on Google Docs.
Chew mint gum, it helps
Try to find which types of notes suit your study. Some prefer to read digitally, but I can't, so I take notes by hand.
Also, try reading them aloud and gesticulate.
Try different routines. I can't study unless it passes 12 AM and I ate my lunch lol.
Study at your desk, I know it's a pain, but in bed, you will fall asleep instantly. Also, don't play music, it might defocus you.
And make some flashcards. Believe me, it's a life-saver, especially if you study languages.
During this exam period, I started to take some supplements and I take ginkgo Biloba and magnesium, which are supposed to help you memorize, and I kinda was able to memorize better. But idk if this is the real reason or maybe because I tried what I said above lol. But you can try it will not harm you.
Do you type notes or take hand-written notes?
I have never typed my notes. I do everything handwritten either on paper or on onenote
Do you type notes or take hand-written notes?
handwritten. it's easier to absorb information that way.
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