You guys are probably not gonna believe me but my mom had an experience with a rude (now) celeb. You guys probably don't know this celebrity as she is an Indian celebrity (she is from Kerala, so unless you are from Kerala you prob won't know who this celeb is). By the way, I am not going to say this celeb's name because I don't want to be a troll and I don't want to feed into the hate she is getting recently. This person is quite famous in where I used to live. She is most famous for her cooking show and youtube channel. On camera she seems really kind and I thought she was really nice, but recently (when I say recently I mean yesterday lol) my mom has told me some shocking tea. Ok, let me get started that was probably way to big of an introduction . Years ago, my mom was studying to be a lawyer at this law school. This now celeb used to be my mom's teacher. Back then, the celeb would easily get jealous of students, give certain looks to students. My mom even talked about how the person would not like someone dressing better than her so some of the students would purposely dress better than her to rebel against her. Basically she was full of herself. The only reason that her students would not report her was because of the person's father and husband were the head of the school and they were really nice people and they knew if they reported her they would get in trouble too. My mom said that you would not even believe that the person was in the same family as her husband and dad because they were so nice and they tried to correct the celeb's mistakes as much as they can. Recently this celeb has been getting backlash because some of her past students are coming out and talking about their experiences with her online ( my mom was not part of that, she just told me and my dad). So yeah that is my story, do you guys or someone you know have any experiences with a rude celeb?

My Mom's Experience With A Rude Celeb
My experience with celebs and people I know irl is: Some people expect too much from celebs.
One time a celeb client came in and my co-worker and I had different reactions to their behavior. I thought they were understandably anxious about being out and about. My co-worker thought they were an asshole for not being enthusiastic, extroverted, and overtly friendly. imo the celebrity wasn't rude. He wasn't impatient or demanding. He was just anxious and introverted. This celeb has starred in a blockbuster Hollywood sci-fi action movie.
My brother has a story about Donald Trump
Quite a few Brits. It’s a small country!
Some musicians, amazing. Some awful!
Sadly a fair few entitled celebs throwing fits when I was working in museums. Generally the less actually important they are, the more prone they are to acting like a d*ck!
Current prime minister... I thought he was harmless and faintly amusing before he was all up in politics. What an idiot I was!
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