I just wanna make an appreciation thread to our sweet Rosé.
Since debut Rosé has always being a cute little pie to us when we don't even deserve it
She always made sure to stay in touch with us, to comfort us, to remember us about how much she and the pinks love us and more importantly to tell us that our internet connection was shit! Thank you darling!
She is our main vocal, our lead dancer, our church girl! She is Rosé from BLACKPINK!
I truly appreciate her wap dance bc this just showed me how innocent, cute and "loyal" she is to us! She promised, she did!
Thank you Rosé for always doing your best even though your life must not be so colorful and happy as you make it to seem. Thank you for enduring all the trainee life hardship and making it to BP! Thank you for being such a nice girl sharing your dreams with us!
I love you Rosé!