YOUNG POSSE's Christmas Carol Digital Single is coming to the *BEEP*!

  • If you don't understand why the "*BEEP*" part, I will tell you later! 😅

    Anyway, Young Posse will release a digital single on December 13!🎅

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  • Dang! A Christmas single???? We're spoiled!

  • So, for those who interested:

    DSP Media released this teaser image originally, and you can guess, Twitter Land lost their mind!


    Honestly, I don't have a problem with this, at all! I get why people are angry, but as Ricky Gervais said once:

    "Just because you're offended, doesn't mean you're right!"

    People trashing these girls for no reason since day 1, saying it's Cultural Appropriation, while YP is one of the few groups that's actually doing Hip Hop the right way, and yes, you can say, the title of the song: "Santa Claus is coming to hood" is a bit too much, but who cares? It's not that deep or serious, and let's be real, most Kpop Idols and groups did much worse, but no one mentioned them, even tho pretty much ALL OF THEM are from the BIG4!

    Anyway, DSP released a statement, saying this song won't be included on the Single! Honestly, this irritates the hell out of me, because nowadays, people want to cancel everyone even if they didn't do anything, and the fact that people want to control art, and companies actually listen to them is a sad thing.

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    If others can change your own art, it's not yours anymore! There are so much music (not just in Kpop) or movies and TV Shows people could cancel, just because of the lyrics, or the topic they included in their art.

    Of course, there are cases when it's actually too much and disrespectful, or even worse, but THIS? Nah, this is nothing!

    Imagine if a mainstream artist release a song like this! Oh wait, you don't have to, it did happen not long ago! Someone actually released a song about Santa:

    "Santa baby got me trippin'

    How your skin is always soft

    How your kisses always hit

    How you know just where to

    Santa baby got me trippin'

    On that accent off your lips

    How your tongue do all those tricks?

    How you know just where to"

    This was funny, btw, but I wouldn't show it to any children, that's for sure!🤣

  • Digital Single by YOUNG POSSE

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