How Should SNOWDROP Proceed?

  • We all know that once Knetz decide to cancel something they mean it and will stomp their feet down full force (demanding that the government cancel a TV show lol), so what should JTBC do to resolve this issues?

    IMO there are 2 options:

    Release the full script showing there is not historical distortion or disrespect to the victims of the dictatorship and shut everyone up.


    There is historical distortion and disrespect, so just scrap the whole drama and JTBC puts their tails between their legs.

    [+808,8] Jennie wears high heels larger than your oppa's dick, sit down

    Animated GIFAnimated GIF

  • at this point cancel Korean air date/time

    air it only on Netflix as "alternate universe" story

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  • Well I hope they try and release the full script but I think the whole statement calling it a "black comedy" just made knetz even more angrier. I'm uncertain of Snowdrop's future which is a shame

  • Its either they know their plot is in no way connected to what knetz are accusing them of, or they've got some pretty big balls

    It just means that they have funding. They have to keep a cast/crew employed, because contracts. Maybe they're doing reshoots to change the plot, maybe the plot was never what was released to the public. But I wouldn't place anything on "they're still shooting". All that means is the company hasn't pulled funding (yet).

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