Kinda intersting to note that even after a massive hit magnetic illit isn't getting invited anywhere important

  • The song is much more popular than the group. It's that simple.

    People keep trying to force this idiotic narrative that ILLIT had a bigger debut era than NewJeans, when literally one group had one hit song and the other had the most successful debut and debut album EVER (most streamed in K-Pop HISTORY) and were a total cultural reset on the industry.

    NewJeans have been Korea's favorite group since debut. Meanwhile, I don't think dozens and dozens of big brands are knocking at Belift's door looking to secure deals and ambassadorships with ILLIT

    This isn't shade but let's be real. ILLIT had one big debut song (the rest of the songs weren't remotely close to being hits) and the rest of the noise they made was all about their similarities to NewJeans

  • Your hero MHJ has a very nasty past, don't get cocky

    Illit debuted with a hit and has 3 good songs, something NJ are struggling to do this year, your trash talk won't change that

  • You know I actually wonder how big their debut would have been if they only debuted with 1 lead single, the amount of times Newjeans blocked Newjeans is insane for a barely 2 yr old group. Haven't seen mess like that since Big Bang.

  • Illit debuted with a hit and has 3 good songs, something NJ are struggling to do this year, your trash talk won't change that

    If you mean Magnetic received major and blatant scootify payola and their other 3 songs mega floped everywhere, then yes indeed. They did 'great'.

    And Supernatural is better than anything CopyIllit could ever imagine to release. Even more so that their whole ass mediocre forgetable soulless EP.

    NewJeans had 3 hits in korea and Supernatural (a japanese release) is still rising and that without any payola. While CopyIllit only got one and that with hybe payola. Yes even in korea.


  • Your hero MHJ has a very nasty past, don't get cocky

    Illit debuted with a hit and has 3 good songs, something NJ are struggling to do this year, your trash talk won't change that

    You're so insecure over the fact NewJeans have already eclipsed anything BP ever accomplished in Korea and Japan, and are starting to do the same in the West, as they are currently the top girl group on Spotify with the highest monthly listeners.


    You know I actually wonder how big their debut would have been if they only debuted with 1 lead single, the amount of times Newjeans blocked Newjeans is insane for a barely 2 yr old group. Haven't seen mess like that since Big Bang.

    I honestly don't mind, because it's a bigger flex to have multiple songs back to back to back dominating the top of the charts.

    Plenty of groups have gotten #1 hit singles

    Only one group has ever lined up their songs at #1, #2 and #3 for 3 consecutive months:



  • I'm afraid Illit's marketability just isn't there, and it has a lot to do with the members. They did a radio interview recently and could barely put two English words together. On top of that, their visuals are remarkably basic.

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  • How is soccer match important

    Gidle was there last year, twice will be there this year, it's regular schedule

    Yapping and jealousy won't take illit hit that nj didn't get this year and the awards they will get for it

    Non tokkis don't understand, as long as Illit exists, they will continue to pose as a threat. Once a fraud, always a fraud :policepepe:

  • thye lasted 3 weeks in spotify global

    3 WEEKS

    crying about payola when nj built their career from it and now they dont have it

    u should be begging for it to be back

  • Sure thing sweet, I am the insecure one here in this positive and reasanable thread lmao...go ahead with your delusional day projecting your feelings onto others booboo

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