Trump wants more political violence if he doesn't win in November.

  • Trump on political violence in 2024: 'If we don't win, you know, it depends'
    The former president also spoke about considering pardons for Jan. 6 defendants and deflected key questions on federal abortion policy in a lengthy Time…

    Incredible. I'm voting for the 81-year-old guy in November instead of the 78-year-old.


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  • as you should.

    Also, look up "Project 2025". Scary stuff from his buddies, especially for women and many other people.

    I wish some day the Supreme Court would declare that the President has no immunity at all.


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  • So...he's going to copy what Democrats instigated ANTIFA/BLM to do during the 2020 Summer of Love? ¬‿¬

    The media is once again putting words in Trump's mouth - the headline implies he is going to call for political violence himself if he loses, which doesn't match the quote in the article.

    And if you want to see political violence, just wait until after Trump is acknowledged as the winner in November. Leftist activists are going to lose their minds when they realize their funding is about to be cut off - the same thing is happening in France right now.

  • And if you want to see political violence, just wait until after Trump is acknowledged as the winner in November.

    Trump acknowledged as the winner of only the popular vote ;-)

    Biden wins the electoral vote.


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  • Trump publicly said he wants to be a dictator


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  • Then Obama will be indicted for his drone strikes on American citizens in foreign countries:

    Holder: We’ve Droned 4 Americans, 3 By Accident. Oops.

    Nah. Everyone is responsible for their actions, but there are some things that politics can resolve and not courts. Obama would be in no problem because that's a political question.


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  • So...he's going to copy what Democrats instigated ANTIFA/BLM to do during the 2020 Summer of Love?

    And if you want to see political violence,

    The Democrats protest on Washington after Clinton lost in 2017:


    Republicans after Trump lost 2021:




  • Nah. Everyone is responsible for their actions, but there are some things that politics can resolve and not courts. Obama would be in no problem because that's a political question.

    Hey, you just said "no immunity" - you are counting on benevolent courts to believe The Lightworker had only the best of intentions. One cranky MAGA judge could mess up that entire myth. :-)

  • "When (Trump) makes claims like this, the press takes him literally, but not seriously; his supporters take him seriously, but not literally." -- Selena Zito

    Saying things like that would make him more likely to lose the electoral vote in swing states.


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  • Hey, you just said "no immunity" - you are counting on benevolent courts to believe The Lightworker had only the best of intentions. One cranky MAGA judge could mess up that entire myth. :-)

    Any judge can get fired. If there's a MAGA judge in the Supreme Court, that judge can get fired :-)


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  • So you expect everybody to believe thousands of MAGA supporters tried to take over the government on January 6th...and not a single of them thought to bring along their AR-15? :-)

    So next time it might be a civil war. The first American civil war since 1861-1865.

    If that happens, good thing I have my own passport.


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  • So you expect everybody to believe thousands of MAGA supporters tried to take over the government on January 6th...and not a single of them thought to bring along their AR-15? :-)

    All of the violence that day was committed by panicky Capitol Police officers - including both actual deaths.

    Yeah and they also dcarried those poor protesters, including the ones climbing walls and breaking in inside, into the Capitole.

    Don't talk so much nonsense.

    Project 2025 is a scary thing and more conservatives than we like want that to happen.

    They don't give a shit about women or gay people.

    Even straight guys supporting Trump are in for a rude awakening when the extreme Christians will ban porn and yes, that is actually a thing.

  • Trump never won the popular vote, not even in 2016.

    The only time the Republicans won the popular vote since 1988 was in 2004, when Bush got his second term. The system is skewed to favor Republicans.

    Let's hope Trump loses the electoral vote again. I'm voting against people in my state who are pro-Trump as well.


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  • Even straight guys supporting Trump are in for a rude awakening when the extreme Christians will ban porn and yes, that is actually a thing.

    Do you people actually believe the nonsense you spout? :rolleyes:

    The reason so many in the GOP dislike Trump is that he is in no way any sort of Christian Right figure. Trump is a straight down the line 1980's-style Democrat - it's just that the Democratic Party has moved so far to the left since Obama that Trump looks conservative by comparison. Many of Biden's older white supporters believe in exactly the same things Trump does - they just vote (D) out of habit and don't realize how completely collectivists have taken over their party.

    The Heritage Foundation (authors of the Project 2025 document) dislikes Trump, also. He's not their kind of Republican. It's just like Lindsey Graham running to the microphone after Roe vs Wade was struck down calling for an immediate national abortion ban. Not a proposal he ever backed in the past, but timed to hurt Trump - who he detests.

  • Trump is a straight down the line 1980's-style Democrat


    1980 US presidential election results.png


    1984 US presidential election results.png


    1988 US presidential election results.png

    Yeah. Trump is a 1980s style Democrat. Projected to lose the electoral vote just like Carter, Mondale, and Dukakis.


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  • So...he's going to copy what Democrats instigated ANTIFA/BLM to do during the 2020 Summer of Love? ¬‿¬

    The media is once again putting words in Trump's mouth - the headline implies he is going to call for political violence himself if he loses, which doesn't match the quote in the article.

    And if you want to see political violence, just wait until after Trump is acknowledged as the winner in November. Leftist activists are going to lose their minds when they realize their funding is about to be cut off - the same thing is happening in France right now.

    Exactly, that always twist the truth.

  • Exactly, that always twist the truth. There is no such this as this project 25 lol. Made up by the left

    A website for Project 2025 made up by the left? Nah it was made by conservatives. Or maybe left conservatives. Maybe both.


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  • Exactly, that always twist the truth.

    They=conservatives with their massive amounts of lies.

    A website for Project 2025 made up by the left? Nah it was made by conservatives. Or maybe left conservatives. Maybe both.

    It's just conservatives. You don't have to be nice and make it 'left conservatives'. They are never nice to anyone they want to oppress either.

    Funny how a few Kpop fans feel the need to defend Trump.
    People like that don't want any foreign culture to compete with their own.

    Look at the way he reacted when Parasite won at the Oscars:

    Trump Mocks ‘Parasite’ Best Picture Win: ‘What the Hell Was That All About?’
    President Donald Trump took aim at "Parasite's" historic Oscar wins at a Colorado rally on Thursday.

    That is just a small part of how much he and his minions dislike any free competition to anything they want people to watch and listen to.

    Ironically enough, you only have to listen to the things Trump and other Republicans actually say, to know that they are not well-meaning or anything near Democrats from the 1980s. They are massively influenced by fundamentalist Christians and they want to go further and further.

    As for 'for to the left'. The Democrat party is actually not leftist at all when compared to the political landscape in many first world countries. They are centre or even a little centre-right.

    You are beyond naive and gullible.

    Edited once, last by Fansamy ().

  • Interesting current events. Violence in France after a conservative is elected. Calm and civil after a Liberal is elected in Britain.

  • Refereeing about violence 'Depends' on Fairness of the Election.

    We all lived through the Covid Lock-down 2020 elections. Election results that took weeks to tally. A change to Mail in Ballots. Uncertainty how secure it was. Ballot counting behind blocked off windows. Stopped counting when observers present and re-started after they were gone. Phantom boxes of ballots pulled from under desks caught on closed circuit cameras. Caught on camera, hundreds of Ballot stuffing by single individuals. Allowing ballots postmarked after election day. Allowing ballots counting practices against State rules.

    The Election was very suspect. Trump has bridged the gap from suspect to fact. Everyone else there is doubt and a margin of error that can be fraudulent voting made no difference.

    Entire question and answer.


    Mr. President, in our last conversation you said you weren't worried about political violence in connection with the November election. You said, “I think we're going to win and there won't be violence.” What if you don't win, sir?

    Trump: Well, I do think we're gonna win. We're way ahead. I don't think they'll be able to do the things that they did the last time, which were horrible. Absolutely horrible. So many, so many different things they did, which were in total violation of what was supposed to be happening. And you know that and everybody knows that. We can recite them, go down a list that would be an arm’s long. But I don't think we're going to have that. I think we're going to win. And if we don't win, you know, it depends. It always depends on the fairness of an election. I don't believe they'll be able to do the things that they did the last time. I don't think they'll be able to get away with it. And if that's the case, we're gonna win in record-setting fashion.

  • The Election was very suspect. Trump has bridged the gap from suspect to fact. Everyone else there is doubt and a margin of error that can be fraudulent voting made no difference.


    From Politifact

    • Election security officials have said the 2020 presidential election was secure and post-election audits in various states found no evidence of widespread fraud.

    • Post-election lawsuits were thrown out for jurisdictional or procedural reasons, but several judges also said the Trump campaign’s allegations of election fraud lacked sufficient proof.

    • A group of prominent conservatives examined 64 cases brought by Trump and his allies and found that 30 included a hearing on the case’s merits. Trump and his allies won only one case, and it involved too few votes to impact the results, the group found.

    There was no election or voter fraud (or almost none) in the 2020 United States presidential election. That's why we have election security officials.


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  • Do you people actually believe the nonsense you spout? :rolleyes:

    The reason so many in the GOP dislike Trump is that he is in no way any sort of Christian Right figure. Trump is a straight down the line 1980's-style Democrat - it's just that the Democratic Party has moved so far to the left since Obama that Trump looks conservative by comparison. Many of Biden's older white supporters believe in exactly the same things Trump does - they just vote (D) out of habit and don't realize how completely collectivists have taken over their party.

    The Heritage Foundation (authors of the Project 2025 document) dislikes Trump, also. He's not their kind of Republican. It's just like Lindsey Graham running to the microphone after Roe vs Wade was struck down calling for an immediate national abortion ban. Not a proposal he ever backed in the past, but timed to hurt Trump - who he detests.


  • cringe-alert-the-wife-justifies-obsession-over-her-husband-v0-37y6n8aj4o2b1.webp

    I took this picture while I was in Manhattan:


    "Violence is never love"


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  • such is the state of affairs in politics...

    Australian and Chinese politics specifically Read reaction.png


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  • all politics globally...

    we're just one misstep from WW3

    "war is not merely a political act but a real political instrument, a continuation of political intercourse, a carrying out of the same by other means"

    The Day After - The movie does a nice portrayal of a apathetic public to escalating tensions. After that its a horror show, can skip that part. XD

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    From what I hear, Australia is building a state of the art Navy. Submarines second to none.

    Meanwhile I watch Train shows from Australia. Every trip is an adventure with added pressure to keep a schedule.

    Now a show about Australia's Airports. Must say Australian authorities are real sticklers. Any doubt of legitimate visits, Visa are rejected and people are sent right back to where they came from.

  • And this is called projection.

    Yes a double Projection, those actually projecting blame the other side for doing it. Also they like using two wrongs make it right. Its a criminal blaming the victim. All products of a pathological mind.

  • Bethsida you are not objective at all in any of your reports your a hardcore leftist for real. Anyone can see that Biden isn't going to win this time.

    He called Kamila vice president Trump and then called Ukraine's president Putin the mans lost his damn mind and you want him in charge of nuclear weapons? Want him to negotiate with other world leaders? There is just no chance. Watch him from when he was 50 he was sharp he's lost all of it.

    It was not just the debate he lost he's been messing up every since in his rallies. If he didn't step down then there is no chance he wins. Trumps coming back.

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