The money, probably helps

I hope the LS-Coachella issue will blow away
I think they'll be fine. There's a youtube video of the full performance growing in views and most people in the comments are saying they didn't think they were as bad after watching the whole performance.
A lot of people are even saying that they thought they did really good and looked cool.
External Content youtu.beContent embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.The top comments are all positive but these are the sentiments of a lot the Korean comments
생각보다 괜찮은데 왜 이렇게까지 욕먹는거지? 막상 보니 괜찮구만
Why am I getting so much flack when it's actually pretty good? It's actually pretty good.
팬 아닌 입장에서 봤을때도 그렇게 욕먹을 정도는 아닌데..? 르세라핌이 국가대표도 아니고 이게 무슨 뉴스에까지 나와.. 사람들 진짜 보고 싶은 것만 보는구나
Even as a non-fan, I don't think it's that bad...? Le Seraphim isn't even on the national team and this is on the news. People only see what they want to see.
너무 욕먹어서 찾아본건데 그러길 잘한거같아요 그동안 본 앵콜무대만 생각하다가 이공연보니까 사쿠라선생님이랑 카즈하선생임이 너무 잘해서 놀랐어요 공연하는데 진짜 너무 반짝이네요 수고하셨어요 저처럼 찾아보는 사람들이 많아지길 바래요
I was so insulted that I looked it up, but I think I'm glad I did. I was thinking about all the encores I've seen, but when I saw this one, I was surprised that Sakura and Kazuha were so good. They really shine in the performance. I hope more people will look it up like I did.
사실은, 그들은 훌륭한 일을 해냈고, 사람들은 정말 악의적입니다.
Actually, they've done a great job, and people are really malicious.
엥 이거 보니까 그렇게 못한거 같지도 않은디 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 못한 부분만 빼온건가.
I don't even think I did that badly when I look at it.
뭐야 풀버전보니까 그렇게까진 안 심각하네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Well, it's not that bad in the full version, haha.
쇼츠로 까대는 영상 현장의 분위기는 전혀 고려 안 하고 조금 억까 수준 같네.. 풀버전을 보니 적당히 한 거 같구만
I think it's a little over the top, not taking into account the atmosphere of the video scene... The full version looks like it was done in moderation.
엥 풀버전으로 보니까 그렇게 못한거 같진 않은데? 근데 즈하파트 때만 유독 성량이 작아져서 그런가 그때 약간 힘빠지는 건 있는듯 음정도 불안하고.. 전체적으로 미흡한 점들이 눈에 띄였고 잘했다는 건 아니지만 사쿠라가 말한 무대로 준 에너지가 뭔지는 알겠음
I don't think it's that bad in the full version, but it's because the volume becomes smaller only in the zhuha part, or the pitch is unstable, as if there is a little strength at that time... Overall, the deficiencies were noticeable, and I'm not saying that I did a good job, but I can understand the energy that Sakura gave to the stage.
왜 그들이 욕을 먹고 미움을 받는지 모르겠습니다. 그다지 나쁘지는 않았습니다.
I don't know why they're being maligned and hated, they weren't that bad.
Hopefully this helps some fans see that not all is lost.
More positive news.
Le sserafim fans are aware of all the hate so they came to show support for the girls at the J-hud show. Fearnots are not leaving Le sserafim.
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Also more positive news lol
Smart has really climbed Spotify so the bad publicity really gave the song a boost.
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Famous streamer talks about her experience seeing Le sserafim. She didn't know who they were but was blown away by their performance. More people are speaking out about seeing them live.
External Content x.comContent embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.Also, some golden memes are coming out of this whole ordeal lol
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Also someone was lucky enough to see Sakura at Santa Monica Pier. Hopefully she's doing well.
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We need the full clear Coachella video to drop, I'm sure it's going to gain in views. These fancams are annoying to watch with all the noise in the way. Antis just pick on few sec of the fancam clips and spread that they can't sing
Still, you can't not deny the energy they brought with their performances. Since we know they went full raw live, with minimal to no backtracks, it made me appreciate their performances even more.
Yeah, SMART is rising on Spotify, I want them to go all out in week 2. Let's go!!
I hope this gains attention, I can hear them clearly.
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