Not enough people give Hyein her flowers for being the main inspiration behind the decision for NewJeans to release their debut album with no promotions whatsoever. An extremely brilliant suggestion from the youngest person in the room.
As they say, the rest is history.
I think this picture also reveals just how collaborative ADOR, and specifically MHJ, are when it comes to deciding on concepts and plans--NewJeans are involved in all of it. In one of their behind the scenes videos on their channel, we saw that even the choreo is sometimes personally tailored during free dance sessions.
Min Heejin gets a lot of praise, and deservedly so, but it's very obvious when she's being compliment by people purely to shade the members of NewJeans, and I'm here to say that NewJeans themselves are very involved in their creative process as well; they don't just sit on the side and wait to be handed the finished product.