this is a sensitive topic right now so im going to do my best to articulate my words in a way that doesnt come off as harmful is any way.
the ALM movement has be spiking recently due to recent racial attacks around the US. due to the activism, the movement has seen the light of day and new voices are being heard. but along with those voices there are also things that are being said that i just cant align myself with.
sometimes (or most) when someone is talking about ALM the conversation shifts and turns into “give this the same attention you did BLM” and that really urks me. as a black person my self i feel like i cant support ALM becuase of statements like these and also the anti-blackness in the asian community. also the movement just feels like a slap in the face after california donated over 1 million dollars to the cause. whule thats great and all what do black people get. i dont want this to turn into a “race war” but black people have been suffering for over 5 centuries and has not seen one nickel or dime for our struggle. it seems so wierd to me that everyone was so quick to help this certain group over another especially in the beginning of the movement (mainstream wise). while i dont want anything bad to happen to the asian community. everytime i hear about ALM i get a bad connotation. even during the riots i didnt see any of them help in the protest...theres may have been a few but i know for a fact it wasnt the whole community. to me ALM is for the right cause...but it just feels so backhanded everytime i hear about it