Trump and Biden win Super Tuesday

  • Nikki Haley from the Republican Party is expected to drop out, as she vowed to stay in the race as long as it's competitive, but now it's not since Trump won Super Tuesday.

    Now we know that November's election in the United States is a Trump vs Biden rematch for sure.


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  • Glad I'm not American. I think I would not vote. Both options are terrible imho.

    I wonder why not have a three-party system instead of a two-party system (Republicans and Democrats are part of the two-party system).

    I was going to vote for Nikki Haley in the primary, but my state's primary hasn't happened yet.


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  • Aigooo halabeoji country indeed

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  • I wish we could have a three-party system or at least abolish the Electoral College.

    Either way, we could have a third-party candidate win for the first time since National Union nominee Abraham Lincoln won in 1864.


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  • I wish we could have a three-party system or at least abolish the Electoral College.

    There are other parties, they just don't attract enough support to matter. Our problem right now is that both major parties are dedicated to big spending on behalf of their donors and increasing the size and power of government. We actually need a second party that believes in balanced budgets and decentralization of political power away from DC. The Libertarian Party claims to be this alternative, but they are badly organized and their candidates often have to switch to become Republicans to get enough funding and support to have a chance.

    The Electoral College is the only thing saving most of the USA from a small group of elites in the big cities micromanaging the lives of people far away. Hillary Clinton "won" the popular vote by getting a huge overvote from a small number of urban centers in California and New York. But we could very well have an outcome this time where Trump wins the popular vote but Biden squeaks out an Electoral College win. The media will suddenly fall silent about abolishing the Electoral College if this happens. :-)

    The Founding Fathers had plenty of experience dealing with corrupt urban centers in Europe, and didn't want American cities dominating their new nation in the same way.

  • The Libertarian Party claims to be this alternative, but they are badly organized and their candidates often have to switch to become Republicans to get enough funding and support to have a chance.

    Third-party candidates don't get enough attention these days. The last time they got enough attention was in 1996 with Ross Perot (Independent). He got enough attention that he got to be on the presidential debates.


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  • Well thats over with, now the nastiness begins. Too bad Jason Palmer didn't make it. XD

    A strong Third Party would shake things up. Like you say their candidates are not getting enough attention.

    Odd story Robert Kennedy was gaining popularity last year with Dems. DNC basically kicked him out because Biden is their choice. So he switch to Independent. I don't see his name on any party nominees. Saying this cause Kennedy is the most popular candidate a third party could have isn't even a registered write in. aka no one can vote for him in this primary.

    GOP blamed Perot for their loss. Dems blamed Nader for their loss. So they both don't like Third Parties complicating things. This may be what is happening with Kennedy. Their strong arming Third Parties to keep him off their ballot.

    Nuff said here are some aspirin for the Headache.

  • I wish we could have a three-party system or at least abolish the Electoral College.

    Either way, we could have a third-party candidate win for the first time since National Union nominee Abraham Lincoln won in 1864.

    The electoral college is unfair.

    Since 1988, the Republicans won the popular vote only once: in 2004 (Bush second term).

    Every single other time, most people voted for the Democratic candidate.

    That includes Bush first term (Al Gore had more votes) and Trump's one term (Hillary Clinton had more votes).

    Republicans have completely lost it with abortions. Some even want women to carry it to term when the fetus is not viable and carrying threatens the woman's life.

    Some also want access to women's menstrual cycles, so they can check if there were not pregnancies and secret abortions. Scary stuff.

  • Also, I think I read online that nobody votes for President of the United States.

    Instead, we vote for the Electoral College, which directly votes for the President of the United States.

    Fansamy I agree with you in abolishing the Electoral College. I wish there was a ballot measure about it for each state (and Washington D. C. of course).


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  • Only the President is elected by the electoral process.

    Congress is elected by States popular vote. It was changed, before Senators were appointed by State Government. Now people can vote for Senators. Representatives were always voted by the people.

    In the Senate, States have two Senators. The number of State's Representatives reflects the Population. Electoral College is the same structure.

    Its how the original thirteen colonies agreed to forming the Federal Government. 'Democratic Republic' form of Federal Government. Both Republic and Democratic representation all in one.

    How the States decide to dependence their Electors is unique. Most States have winner take all. Others round off to whole numbers of Electors. Still the two Elector votes per State makes the difference.

    It is better system then pure democracy vote. Imagine a Presidential candidate that panders to Voters in a few big Cities and the hell with the rest country. Promising favors and dedicated federal government to those big Cities. Its already like that, don't need to make it official.

    Most Countries Governments have similar representative structures. As for people voting for Heads of State, Prime ministers. Few allow direct voter participation. Officials appoint them.

  • There are other parties, they just don't attract enough support to matter. Our problem right now is that both major parties are dedicated to big spending on behalf of their donors and increasing the size and power of government. We actually need a second party that believes in balanced budgets and decentralization of political power away from DC. The Libertarian Party claims to be this alternative, but they are badly organized and their candidates often have to switch to become Republicans to get enough funding and support to have a chance.

    The Electoral College is the only thing saving most of the USA from a small group of elites in the big cities micromanaging the lives of people far away. Hillary Clinton "won" the popular vote by getting a huge overvote from a small number of urban centers in California and New York. But we could very well have an outcome this time where Trump wins the popular vote but Biden squeaks out an Electoral College win. The media will suddenly fall silent about abolishing the Electoral College if this happens. :-)

    The Founding Fathers had plenty of experience dealing with corrupt urban centers in Europe, and didn't want American cities dominating their new nation in the same way.

    The Electoral College is the only thing saving the Republican Party, a small group of elites in the big cities using their minority of voters living in rural flyover states to micromanage the lives of the majority of Americans who can't stand them and their policies.

    Land does not vote, people do. The election system should better reflect this fact, with everyone's vote counting the same, no matter where they choose to live. We will never have a legitimate democracy until this happens.

  • Imagine a Presidential candidate that panders to Voters in a few big Cities and the hell with the rest country

    As opposed to candidates who pander to rural Americans whose votes count for more than they should, because reasons? If you don't want the country being controlled by the 80% of Americans who are urbanites, well... too bad. That 80% of voters should actually count for 80% of the vote, because that is how democracy works, not this ridiculous system we currently have where our politics are unfairly skewed towards & controlled by a minority of voters who choose to live in the middle of nowhere.

  • As opposed to candidates who pander to rural Americans whose votes count for more than they should, because reasons? If you don't want the country being controlled by the 80% of Americans who are urbanites, well... too bad. That 80% of voters should actually count for 80% of the vote, because that is how democracy works, not this ridiculous system we currently have where our politics are unfairly skewed towards & controlled by a minority of voters who choose to live in the middle of nowhere.

    Well said.

    As for 'a few big cities':

    The population of the US is 331 million. You need more than just 'a few big cities' to get anywhere near half of that amount, so even if you add the biggest cities together, you can't dominate.

    So saying 'a few big cities' is disingenious, as you need more medium sized cities as well, even if the voting went exactly as per city lines.

    Also, there are elites in cities that LOVE the Republicans and the tax breaks they give them. They let the Republicans focus on abortions and bigotry to get votes in the countryside, while not giving a single f about the people in the countryside apart from them being voters who will vote for their tax breaks.

  • Large Cities that Federal matching funds built. City Governments that won't lift a finger to solve issues without getting Federal emergency funding. Big Cities the Raid State taxes that were meant for other issues. Big Cities already get their cut.

    Within some States, big Cities call all the shots. Rural and modest cities be damned.

  • I don't see his name on any party nominees. Saying this cause Kennedy is the most popular candidate a third party could have isn't even a registered write in. aka no one can vote for him in this primary.

    Some states can vote for Kennedy!

    Screenshot 2024-03-17 at 3.20.38 PM.png


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