KPop's Dual System to be put into serious test as its greatest domesticist jumps back to the arena

  • The singer who has contributed the least over he aggregate career towards the expansion of KPop around the world is returning.

    Her legendary failure to contribute anything to KPop makes her a big anomaly in KPop history.

    Despite of that, because of her reputation in Korea, and Korea only, she is considered to be a major figure in Korean Pop, which is virtually unique since in virtually every other genre foreign popularity is considered to be more important than domestic relevance.

    Despite of her virtual irrelevancy outside of Korea, it is likely that the koreans will once again elect her as the #1 singer this winter, throwing another round of dirt to acts which are more relevant in foreign countries than her.

    Because of the dual system, she was ranked in the same level with BTS and BlackPink, acts much more relevant than her outside of Korea. And this trend is expected to continue as long as the Koreans do not give up their duality system.

    I went to a KPop shop yesterday. The newer generation has left Bts and moved on to acts like txt, SKZ, Enhypen, ZB1, etc. LS and NJ were popular - apparently the BP merchandise are more carefully controlled by YG.

    And there was no sign of a certain 1,345 years old anywhere. Foreign fans don't really care about her.

    I think 2024 should be the year where ifans get to ignore Korean opinion once for all. It skews the entire opinion to the wrong side, and does not really help KPop's growth. Korea is less than 10% of all KPop markets yet it wields too much influence.

  • Good job IU for being super popular without any international fame. She has no competition now so her comeback should be super big.

    Fans are moving on from big 3rd gen groups in replacement for 4th gen groups which isn't a surprise for me since BTS are in the military and Blackpink as a group are pretty much over.

  • Good job IU for being super popular without any international fame. She has no competition now so her comeback should be super big.

    Fans are moving on from big 3rd gen groups in replacement for 4th gen groups which isn't a surprise for me since BTS are in the military and Blackpink as a group are pretty much over.

    The passage of time is brutal.

    I warned this for years and the warning fell to deaf years. I am , however, being proven correct.

  • So the issue is a Korean singer who started as soloist her entire career has a disproportionate popularity in Korea compared to the rest of the world. :whatk:

    Not only that, but her domestic popularity leads to a huge skewing of her importance across the whole KPop scene.

    Plus her style of music is detrimental for the advance of KPop across the board

  • It's not uncommon domestic artists are more popular than arists that doing better abroad, like in Sweden. Arists singing in Swedish can be very popular, but for obvioius reason Swedish artist singing in english can be more popular abroad. Comparing pure domestic arists with arists that are active on a international level is not easy.

  • well...
    PH Arena is basically a stadium, bigger than Jamsil :ooo-bee:
    next tour: Tokyo Dome :sure-bee:

    An Arena is an Arena is an Arena

    - Gertrude Stein, upon hearing about the concert of KPop's Greatest Domesticist

    If we call PH Arena a 'Stadium' then it breaks Lee Jieun's record of the first Korean female figure to have a concert in a real stadium, since Domes are not Stadiums for this purpose and no Kpop female figures had any concerts in Stadiums before her but did have plenty of concerts in Japanese Domes.

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