Babymonster predebut song is in ENGLISH. Do you think they will debut with an english title track also?

  • exceptionality aside, having a korean title and english single is better bc their biggest hype comes from being an yg girl group.. anything could happen, really, but this seems like the best choice rn

  • Stray kids is just like seventeen. They have the sales and are somewhat known yes thats for sure but theyre not in the level of BTS/BP which yg and the fans alike are dreaming for.

    I think most companies prefer larger international fandom than being relevant in their home country. International fans bring more money than gen public who isnt even that invested. Stray kids brings a lot of money from everywhere all around the world with their large fanbase. They're quite popular in Japan, China, Middle east, Sea countires, Latin America, North America and some parts of Europe. But comparing them with BP/BTS's popularity is just irrelevant.

  • For what though? Melon is dying and full of fans zombie streaming. Korea is small in comparison to the rest of the world. Also Babymonster will only get hate from koreans because they don't fit the shitty korean "beauty standard". Besides that Babymonster makes almost no noise so far in Korea. All the hype is internationally.

    I would rather them skip Korea and avoid all the hate from other companies fans.

    I disagree with you kpop is after all is korean pop music is their main focus and most of the time once you are popular in your country that usually helps your popularity internationally. No one wants to stan a group that flops domestically

    ( there are exceptions but it's not a norm) they will not they are cute girls ( also the Korean line has a lot of potential to gain a lot of fans in Korea esp Ahyeon) and they are marketed as a vocal group and their talent is their main appeal if you ask me. They just need a good concept and song they are all set to go with their debut

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