I think that might be a thing some kpop artists also can relate to

  • Well... yesterday, I was watching the Danish version of X-Factor.

    And as one of the judges was introducing one of his contestants, he was talking about how a Danish celebrity magazine was interviewing him. And that contestants actually said that he wished that he was being asked about music.

    I haven't read the interview, but I guess he was being interviewed about stuff that had nothing to do with music.

    I guess that is a thing that kpop artists also can relate to.

    That on interviews. they get questions about stuff that has less to do with their music or performances and stuff like that.

  • This is my cynicism regarding current pop music talking but i honestly dont see what there is to talk about when it comes to the music.

    Songs are all mass manufactured by computer science nerds sitting in front of a monitor using music softwares powered by the latest in algorithm and AI technologies. There is nothing remotely "musical" about 98 percent of songs out there - it's all preprogrammed trap beats mixed with autotune, with an extra button or two for "Latin", "extra heavy mumble", "10000000rpm high hat" and such.

    There is no storytelling, no actual human voices, no real instruments being played. No passion, no emotion, it's just background noise and commercial advertisements for the artists branding.

    So in conclusion, i think i'd rather hear the artist talk about his or her upbringing, experiences, relationships, costumes, branding, etc than hear more lies about their "artistry" and "musicality". :pepe-tea:

  • Tbh I have read some pretty good interviews which put big emphasis on music. Suho, Lay and Kai interviews are pretty good example of this.

    That being said I feel like many singers don't have a lot to say about their music. This is not specific to kpop only, but because we are on kpop forum I will focus on kpop only.

    We see more and more songs aimed for tiktok only and while, as big fan of tiktok, I don't complain this kind of music often won't have any deeper substance or meaning. Then we have some of top idols who really don't even have to bother with good music, good vocal performance, innovative concepts or performances because they will chart anyway. There are some idols who went on radio shows and when asked about their musoc they literally had nothing to say. ;(

    ~ Retired exol, don't ask me about that group. ~

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