Min Heejin: ‘Currently, New Jeans is preparing for their next album. You can expect it to be a completely new feeling’
[인터뷰] 민희진 어도어 대표 ① "나는 공식을 깨고 싶은 사람"
사진제공 어도어
- 글로벌 단위의 관심 속에 뉴진스가 데뷔했고 1st EP 《New Jeans》가 신드롬을 불러일으켰다. 그리고 <Ditto>와 <OMG>가 소포모어 징크스는커녕 전작보다 더 큰 성공을 거두며 음원 차트 1, 2, 3위를 동시 석권했고 데뷔 6개월…
ps: also if the translation is correct it seems like she said that ADOR is founded by Min Heejin, like it sounded in a way that she put her money into it as well, and that she works with BANA producer group which were working with her during SM times, but she said there seem to be some misunderstandings that people try to put and make things weird saying that Min Heejin is working with SM producers which ain't true, it's more like a group of friends, people who know each other from the times they were all working for SM but now ain't hired by SM