ATBO should have just performed full Monochrome (Color) instead of Attitude at the MMA

  • It would have made a better impression and been more fitting to the event

    As their debut song, Monochrome is more grand in scale, less generic, and just more impressive than Attitude. When I first heard the song I thought "How did they go from this to Attitude?" Imagine hundred-thousands of random people watching the MMA who never heard any of ATBO's songs, Monochrome just is a way better first impression than Attitude.

    Sound wise, Monochrome is also more exciting and appropriate for an end of year ceremony or any live event. Of course they made Attitude hype with theatrics, props, intro & dance break, and backup dancers, but I think this effort would have been better used on Monochrome

    Them performing Attitude is like if Kep1er were to attend and perform We Fresh (generic newest song) instead of Wa Da Da (the song that actually defines them and shows them in a better way)

    I think they knew all this and knew Monochrome is better so they made it the final minute as the highlight. But I would prefer if they just did that song for the whole time. IK there is a standard of spectacle at these multi-artist concerts but they could have just done an Intro + Dance Break for Monochrome instead of Intro + Attitude + Dance Break + Monochrome. Anyway I don't care that they mixed 2 songs but I just think they should have done Monochrome instead of Attitude

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    (live Monochrome at festival, they did it for KCON Japan 2022 as well but there is no upload of it)

    ((Background: ATBO is a group under IST entertainment, a Kakao group, they were basically at MMA as a segment from the sponsors, just like Girls Re:verse))

  • does it matter? both songs are bad and walmart nct, they should have performed the superior song graffitti

    I think Monochrome is way more cool than Attitude cause you can tell they are trying to do something as rookies, it feels like a more complete package

    This song it might have been too light for a serious mcserious awards show, but well NJ was there too, and if they gave it the theatrical treatment it would fit in

  • Why the hell are you so judgemental over everything when you could careless about half the groups you judge?

    as for ATBO they are nothing special, nothing stands out about them, not even their debut song. They are a generic boy group with nothing that draws attention. They sound like everyone else out there. If they wanted to grab my attention they should have came out with a song that didn't sound like something hybe or sm would put out. So, who really cares what they perform. Plus attitude is their most recent song of course they are going to perform what they just released.

    Stop being so critical.

  • Why the hell are you so judgemental over everything when you could careless about half the groups you judge?

    as for ATBO they are nothing special, nothing stands out about them, not even their debut song. They are a generic boy group with nothing that draws attention. They sound like everyone else out there. If they wanted to grab my attention they should have came out with a song that didn't sound like something hybe or sm would put out. So, who really cares what they perform. Plus attitude is their most recent song of course they are going to perform what they just released.

    Stop being so critical.

    It is not that serious, I am judging them because it's fun and the whole point of a forum to judge/comment on things including groups you don't really know about. It makes them more interesting. I don't really see what is so negative, or unusual, about this

    They probably thought it was the best business decision to perform their newest song, by usual logic, but I think it would actually be a better decision to perform an older song that shows them in a better light.

  • It is not that serious, I am judging them because it's fun and the whole point of a forum to judge/comment on things including groups you don't really know about. It makes them more interesting. I don't really see what is so negative, or unusual, about this

    They probably thought it was the best business decision to perform their newest song, by usual logic, but I think it would actually be a better decision to perform an older song that shows them in a better light.


  • does it matter? both songs are bad and walmart nct, they should have performed the superior song graffitti



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  • :rolleyes:

    well k, I can see that most of the opinions in K-lounge are not negative and most of those "judgey" threads are in Anons instead. Also most people are judging on the biggest groups of this year and not a middle tier boy group. But I think they deserve to be glorified by being judged too, I mean it is more interesting than no one talking about the group at all. I think people should talk about the fact Atbo is not nominated for anything at MMA and is basically just there as a commercial for themselves, in addition to the conversations about who won the daesang, who deserved awards, and stuff

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