One thing I like are books where people share their life-story

  • I mean funny books where people talk about it

    I had read some in German where people shared about their work and they were quit funny. I don't know most booktitles or authors anymore and don't evdn own these books anymore for whatever reason but I can describe them a bit

    • One was about a woman who works as teacher. I think she has made a series of it. She explained her daily life as a teacher in a school in Berlin where in the one I read she said she became the class teacher of her like 3rd 7th-grader class so she had experience as a teacher for some years before. She also explained how she also exchained some text messages to a new teacher in her school who was still in the training and she told some funny stuff about the students and teachers she had to work with
    • Another one was about a guy working in an retirement home where he has to work in taking care of the elderly people and he mentioned some of his most funny work stories. One I remember was of a time as he walked trought the hallway at 3am just to find 2 old people sitting in armchairs, one was a old man who was naked and only wraped in a blanked and the other one a old woman who fed the old man with candy :teeheek:
    • Another one I read was about a guy working for the largest train company in Germany, mainly in the field where you help people buy tickets and direct them to what trains to take. He said he sometimes had to work in different train stations trought out the city Düsseldorf and he said his fave was when he had to work at the station at the airport if I remember corectly but he also liked how it looked at the main station when especially people came dressed up for festivals
    • I also had one, wich was quit short and had drawings by the author in it where she explained the live with her dog. She explained her dog as a princess with special needs "When I opend a can of dog food in the morning and only fed half to her and gave her the other half in the evening she refused to eat it so I had to open a new can" and stuff. It went to a point where her dog escaped and accidantly got pregnant so she asked the vet if there was a pill against dog-pregnancy like there exists for humans, but her dog still gave birth to 1 little puppy at the end.

    I once tried a book about a guy in London who met his cat on the streets and explained his life with his cat as a street musician, I think they also made a movie out of it, but I didn't really liked the book

    A.C.E | ATEEZ | DRIPPIN| MCND | NU'EST | ONF | SF9 | Stray Kids | TFN

  • JiminieKookie

    Changed the title of the thread from “One thing I like are books is where people share their life-story” to “One thing I like are books where people share their life-story”.
  • Lulu_Key I still have one of these books in my apartment I can translate a few parts of it for you so you quit get what I mean

    The book is called "Für mich ist auch die 6. Stunde" (For me it's also the 6th (school) hour) of an author who calls herself "Frau Freitag" (Misses Friday)

    From the first chapter:

    "Oliver please show us the drop shadow" I said and watched unobtrusive to the back to the main seminar leader Mr. Dannert. His first visit for me.

    My art seminar leader has said that I got a great teacher personality but still has to work on my impulse and to switch the tables across the classroom. No problem, I thought and tinkered a new seating arrangement for the lesson with Mr. Dannert. I am a great teacher, I told to myself, because I am going to show a very authentic lesson to Mr. Dannert. Cause of that I'm not telling to my students that we're getting a visitor.

    The bell rings. The students run into the room. Inbetween Mr. Dannert.

    "What's that for a fucked up seating arrangment?"

    "What's with the tables? How am I suposed to sit next to Justin? Noooo way!"

    "Mrs. Freitag, can I sit next to Katrin, I allways sit next to her?"

    I stupidly placed Mr. Dannert behind ADHD-Paul and Fuat. Why do they sit together? Whatever.

    It's about shadows. In this lesson the students are suposed to draw a empty toilet paper role with a light in front of it. Cause of this I brought a floor lamp and different white items that I carried trought the entire city to the school. I want to start with a small repetition to glow with school knowledge.

    "Who can show me a drop shadow of all the items?"

    Imediatly Oliver's arm raises up. How pretty, cause Oliver never participates in the lessons. And he has annoying habbits, to repeat everything I'm saying: "hehe, drop shadows. Hihi, objects" - He always babbles like a parrot.

    But now he is participating: "Me, me Mrs. Freitag, take me!"

    I give him a laserpointer. He greedy grabs after it.

    "Oliver please show us the drop shadow"

    Oliver looks at me, lowers his head and smiles at me with the laserpointer into my eye. He's also been doing weird noises: "Uaarg!!!"

    Huh? I think: Eye, laserpointer, laserpointer, eye! The other students get nervious. I look at Mr. Dannert who nerviously writes down my lesson.

    I snatch the laserpointer off of Oliver.

    "Okay, where were we?" I look at my documents. All of a suddon a paper ball flies at the board.

    "Who was that?" nobody is saying anything. I see how Justin is hiding his hands under the table. Hands full of paper balls. I lost track of everything. And can't get back to it. What should I do now? I don't feel like it anymore. I want to run away. Eventually the bell rings.

    The students storm off. Mr. Dannert places himself at a table with me.

    "Well, Mrs. Freitag"

    "Yes, Mr. Dannert" I say and have no idea what else to say. Mr. Dannert waits.

    "Well, yes" I say "I can try to get better. Wasn't perfect, or?"

    Mr. Dannert leans back on the chair, crosses his arms behind his head and says "Mrs. Freitag I am a main seminar leader for twentythree years, but I never saw anything like that"


    A.C.E | ATEEZ | DRIPPIN| MCND | NU'EST | ONF | SF9 | Stray Kids | TFN

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