Why don’t people here stan Ateez when they’re giving us everything? [Mod's note: Bashing will not be approved]

  • They have great music, great performances, self produce their music, great rapping. They became million seller this year despite being from an unknown company. But I never saw anyone care about them here. If you haven’t stanned them, why not?

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    Changed the title of the thread from “Why don’t people here stan Ateez when they’re giving us everything?” to “Why don’t people here stan Ateez when they’re giving us everything? [Mod's note: Bashing will not be approved]”.
  • the music don’t hit for me

  • I don't think they lack anything as compared to their peers. Their company is pouring good budget as well. I believe people like big4 because it gives them security that their fav group will hit big and get more opportunities in future. Its just an opinion of mine maybe I'm wrong but people mostly stan big4.

  • The loss in interest for boygroups are hitting non big 3/4 boygroups a lot, as an atiny I wish people give them a chance, even if they don't like their music or don't connect with them I wish people have positive feeling towards them as they are genuine hardworking kind people and they are really talented.

  • I was pretty neutral toward them but now I am side eying that one member who didn't have any problem with lashing his big ass fandom onto that SMF dancer for them to bully him over a dance move. I don't know what he was trying to accomplish with that but that was pretty shitty and unconsiderate and I just hope the dancer's mental health will be okay after all this.

    Kinda made me not want to check on the group ever going forward.

  • I wish they looked more natural. I think the makeup is a bit too much. I also could not tell apart 3 members which I think is because of the type of plastic surgery they had so they look kind of similar. I do like one of their songs though.

  • I wish they looked more natural. I think the makeup is a bit too much. I also could not tell apart 3 members which I think is because of the type of plastic surgery they had so they look kind of similar. I do like one of their songs though.

    this and stray kids too. they should all use less makeup imo. for stray kids they have 2 members that look so similar but not because of ps, they just look very similar that it’s hard to tell them apart.

  • vocals are below my standards

  • LOL I'm one of the biggest ATINYs in this forum

  • Mid songs, easy. And what's everything tho? Without a good songs, that 'everything' your said is useless. I'm sorry but 4th gen bg lacks of good songs that able to make them go big and they just rely on fandom power.

    Specifically for Ateez that actually having decent company not that broke ass almost bankrupt ones like some fans love to exaggerating, if you compare their songs to Bts especially the early Bts day when they're in much lower position than Ateez, you will know why Ateez is nobody outside of their fandom. And I'm not even a Bts fans. The music quality is lower to make people notice them and nothing interesting about them at all.

    Stop the nonsense with 'oh, people didn't want to support the non-big 4 company' and just admitted that their songs just fit their fans' hear and taste, just like the other 4th gen bg. If not, they will not get than 1 million sales. See how in 2nd and 3rd gen we get popular bg from non big 3? So, don't victimized Ateez because it's as simple as their music is not a hit or good.

  • Their music doesn't interest me and I don't find any member in ATEEZ handsome or attractive. Also, their fandom is aggressive often for no reason and think their boys are mistreated by everyone. The sense of entitlement some Atinys have is ridiculous.

    The loss in interest for boygroups are hitting non big 3/4 boygroups a lot, as an atiny I wish people give them a chance, even if they don't like their music or don't connect with them I wish people have positive feeling towards them as they are genuine hardworking kind people and they are really talented.

  • I wish they looked more natural. I think the makeup is a bit too much. I also could not tell apart 3 members which I think is because of the type of plastic surgery they had so they look kind of similar. I do like one of their songs though.

    LOLLLL Ateez doesn't have plastic surgery...and every group wears makeup...

    AKP literally has a taglist and artist thread for the group yet no one cares about them?

  • I was pretty neutral toward them but now I am side eying that one member who didn't have any problem with lashing his big ass fandom onto that SMF dancer for them to bully him over a dance move. I don't know what he was trying to accomplish with that but that was pretty shitty and unconsiderate and I just hope the dancer's mental health will be okay after all this.

    Kinda made me not want to check on the group ever going forward.

    He must have been clout chasing

  • I like a couple of their songs, but the majority I just don't remember. It's totally the same as "Why am I not a fan of [insert any boy group here]", even if they have 1 or 2 songs I like, they didn't really make the connection for me to fully become their fan

  • Wonderland was quite good, but their obnoxious and aggressive fandom just put me off wanting to know more.

    I judge groups by their fanbases, because generally I feel they are a reflection of them. Certain groups have the chillest fanbases around (Mamamoo, for example), which is a good reflection on Mamamoo, whilst others I've seen deliberately always invade other fandom's twitter timelines and spaces just to be obnoxious (Atinys, Orbits).

    Just puts you off.

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