Haknyeon's relationship with The Boyz

  • So, I've noticed that it's almost 5 am in Korea and not a single member has wished Haknyeon for his birthday today. Usually, The Boyz wish each other on Twitter at midnight.

    I've been seeing that Haknyeon has been distant with the other members for a while now. I think right from The Stealer era.

    Another bullying case or are those rumors of him being an outcast true?

  • Peope are really trying to deny the obvious huh?

    Don't be surprised when we get bullying rumors in this group

    I also own The Stealer! I can show you proof if you want

    For other members, they've taken the time to wish them when they're half dead from the constant RTK and comeback practices. Maybe Hak just isn't important enough for them to care to do the same?

  • No, i don't need any proof, i don't care.

    Just don't bash them like this, i really don't know why you must share some made-up stories on this forum.

    Especially on his birthday. And he's probably working hard right now along his members for the Kingdom stage. And eating this cake he made, hopefully.

    They all adore Haknyeon, and they praise him all the time, i don't know how you don't see it.

    Give me a single instance since The Stealer era. Did you not see those pictures at the esports ISAC where Sunwoo/Chanhee/Changmin left Hak completely alone to play among themselves?

  • Do you seriously expect me to go through all their variety, reality and vlives and make a compilation of that? Because it takes too much time and i'm to lazy for that, especially to prove something to one user.

    You can think whatever you want to think, just don't make such misleading posts... You can only harm him with this kind of attitude, trying to make people believe there is a feud between them, is this your intention?

    My intention is for the fandom to wake up to how Creker and the members are mistreating Hak instead of sweeping things under the rug.

    I 1000000% bet none of the members are going to wish him in public this entire day. At least then, I hope the fandom wakes up.

  • I asked for recent moments, post-RTK, where the other members talk about Hak. I can count it on one hand tbh.

    If someone thinks it's true, maybe it'll lead to the fandom actually waking up to how mistreated Hak is.

  • But if you are such a Hak fan, you should know those are mostly very recent moments! The vlives are mostly from this year and he spoke about guys, they talked about him, have you watched those?

    Have you watched his vlive today, or seen some clips? Have you heard him talking about his members and how they are so busy because they have schedule on his birthday for the whole day? So he would be unable to do vlive on his birthday and he decided to do it a day before

    How much time does it take to upload a picture on Twitter? 30 seconds tops? This whole 'too busy' excuse is bullshit.

    Again, I'm sure the members will not wish him. Let's see what you have to say when I'm right.

  • Wth is this thread

    If they don't wish him on twitter, they don't, i really don't care about twitter posts, they don't all post photos for everyones birthday :-) .. They will be busy the whole day and what matters is they are together and that he knows they are there for him. It's not about how much time it take to upload a photo, but i think they have other worries right now. Go watch Haks vlive and listen to what he said.

    And go watch all the post Stealer variety and reality shows again + all the other content that was released + the vlives he did with members, the vlives he did alone but he talked about the members, the vlives members did and talked about him,... And all that was post Stealer...There is always someone praising him or taking his hand, hugging him, also in recent content... Like i already said, i dont have the time to watch all this content again, just to cut out those moments and put them into compilation (because it seems like you want that).

    I'm done here, you can believe whatever you want, but if you want him to be more appreciated by fans, you should promote him more and hype him up. I made the whole thread about him for his birthday, you could post his photos or videos there, if you care about him being treated nicely from fans.

    Never before have a seen a fandom that's willing to turn such a blind eye to something so obvious. I met if these things happened to your precious Hyunjae or Juyeon, you would be seething.

    Again, I know not every member posts for a birthday, but not a single one? That's just low. I wouldn't want to be in Hak's place for that.

    This fandom is disgusting and part of the problem. As if Hak being tormented by fansites and told to lose weight by his own kfans wasn't bad enough.

    I hope he leaves this group and company that treats him like shit even though they would be nowhere without him.

  • I feel like I'm reading an akgae complaining about mistreatment and how the other members are terrible, I can't stop laughing, sorry :pepe-life-support:

  • Damn what's up with people shouting bullying just because they don't post or publicize everything?

    When the post and publicize for other members? This kind of blatant favoritism in a group is horrifying.

    Only one member has wished him for his birthday when other members get at least 5-6 posts no matter how busy they are. Why? What's the reason.

    Again, posting on Twitter takes no more than 30 seconds. Kevin posted an old ass video with a generic caption. How hard is it for at least 2 other members to do the same?

  • I don't think it's bullying, some members just have more chemistry together which creates 'mini groups' in a group with a lot of members.
    it's obvious that haknyeon gets along with everyone, it probably has to do with him being the only one born in 1999 idk (same age friendships being a cultural thing in sk), but I don't think its bullying tbh.

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