Will there be no justice for OmegaX?

  • I hope their parents do something, I am sure that they, themselves are afraid to do anything for fear of retaliation, getting it worse or because they are bound by their contracts. As I've stated in several other threads, most of them are aware that this is their last chance at being an Idol. Most of them came from disbanded groups or groups on hiatus. If they break contract, sue, etc they are most likely done in the industry, most of them are up in age where within a couple years they have to enlist. Unless some agency wants to take a chance on them, i can understand why they'd just "deal with this" also as someone who's been abused in my life, it is NOT easy to walk away from an abuser when you have no where to go. Even if their parents get involved most of them are adults. I don't know Korean law to know if parents suing on their behalf will help them or not. But people really shouldn't assume it's something they can easily walk away from or easily do.

    On one hand i see why they probably endure it on the other hand they deserve better. They are in a horrible situation. I really cannot imagine what they are going through. They probably just wanted to get back home out of a foreign country they aren't familiar with. There's petitions out there for them, several fandoms, fans and non fans all out there trying to spread this vile woman's behavior as well as sbs news and other places. This isn't something she can easily "sweep under the rug". If the company even so much as cares about them, they should deal with her and get rid of her.

    I hope that something positive comes out of this for Omega X, whether it's suing, getting out of the contract, or getting rid of her, I just would hate to see them lose all this hard work and their hearts become broken at the thought of never being an idol again.

    Based on their official us facebook group:

    Rhythm And Seoul Radio is looking into finding out if another agency will pick them up or if Spire management is being investigated.

  • I mean it would be the end of their career which is so freaking unfair?

    They probably held it and just tolerated it bc they felt like its their only chance at their dream

    man this sucks

    This is actually this second chance. The whole concept of the group is that the members are from disbanded groups. They already know how hard it is to redebut. I can only imagine the horrible things they've tolerated to hold on to this chance because I just know this company is pulling the "we saved you! be grateful!" bullshit on them. :(

  • Yeah her ass needs to get laid, everyone should go pressure the agency to drop her call out the owner of the company to get rid of her. She's the CEO she should be running the company not following the members around on their tour that's why they have staff and a manager for she had no reason being there

  • Yeah her ass needs to get laid, everyone should go pressure the agency to drop her call out the owner of the company to get rid of her. She's the CEO she should be running the company not following the members around on their tour that's why they have staff and a manager for she had no reason being there

    Shes not going anywhere shes the owners wife.

  • Shes not going anywhere shes the owners wife.

    🤡🤡🤡🤡 Welp throw the whole company away. Hopefully these guys can get out of the agency and still make it. They will need a good lawyer to nullify the debt but also ideally get the groups name, trademarks etc transferred to the members plus a healthy amount of money settlement for the abuse. Contract nullification should be a easy slam dunk considering what happened already. With the members getting the copyright etc they could still keep going and even start their own agency or get another one abit easier.

    Also I think if they can't get out fans etc should pressure the company to get rid of both. The board of directors and the shareholders of a company can remove a CEO and owner a vote of no confidence in the owner could force him to sell whatever controlling shares he has as the shareholders can base it on conflict of interest not taking action because the suspect is his wife.

  • This is actually this second chance. The whole concept of the group is that the members are from disbanded groups. They already know how hard it is to redebut. I can only imagine the horrible things they've tolerated to hold on to this chance because I just know this company is pulling the "we saved you! be grateful!" bullshit on them. :(

    Ah I know people that have used that crap someone tried that on me in Busan years ago but before they could finish that sentencei had my hands around his shirt collar. He got the memo.

    That Job LoL I wqs never fired from just quietly not put on the schedule anymore 😂😂

  • 🤡🤡🤡🤡 Welp throw the whole company away. Hopefully these guys can get out of the agency and still make it. They will need a good lawyer to nullify the debt but also ideally get the groups name, trademarks etc transferred to the members plus a healthy amount of money settlement for the abuse. Contract nullification should be a easy slam dunk considering what happened already. With the members getting the copyright etc they could still keep going and even start their own agency or get another one abit easier.

    Also I think if they can't get out fans etc should pressure the company to get rid of both. The board of directors and the shareholders of a company can remove a CEO and owner a vote of no confidence in the owner could force him to sell whatever controlling shares he has as the shareholders can base it on conflict of interest not taking action because the suspect is his wife.

    you assume this company has all these people. You do realize spire is small and not many people in this company and Omega X is their first and only boy group. If you know so much go be their lawyer. I'm in several Omega X groups, the owner and ceo are married and everyone else that was with the boys were hired by them. There's only a couple other people who work for them. As we pointed out SEVERAL times, the boys are in a tough spot. This company pulled them from disbanded groups and there's no guarantee ANYONE will pick them up and/or take a chance. Even if they sue them and get the contracts nullified there's no gurantee they can continue to be idols. They are in a very huge predicament. You seem like you know everything but you're not looking at the bigger picture. Half the time I can agree with you on things but you're being blind to the overall situation here.

    Small companies do not have all these things you speak of. I have posted the website and I even posted that a radio station was TRYING to see if any company WOULD potentially pick them up, that if that was a possibility MAYBE they could try to go that route. But that is NOT a guarantee. The overall realization is that the boys are STUCK. Even with fandoms, fans, non fans, etc trying to spread the word it may not be enough for them. And if the ceo is this bad in public I CANNOT IMAGINE what they are dealing with behind the scenes. Be a bit more realistic to this situation.

  • you assume this company has all these people. You do realize spire is small and not many people in this company and Omega X is their first and only boy group. If you know so much go be their lawyer. I'm in several Omega X groups, the owner and ceo are married and everyone else that was with the boys were hired by them. There's only a couple other people who work for them. As we pointed out SEVERAL times, the boys are in a tough spot. This company pulled them from disbanded groups and there's no guarantee ANYONE will pick them up and/or take a chance. Even if they sue them and get the contracts nullified there's no gurantee they can continue to be idols. They are in a very huge predicament. You seem like you know everything but you're not looking at the bigger picture. Half the time I can agree with you on things but you're being blind to the overall situation here.

    Small companies do not have all these things you speak of. I have posted the website and I even posted that a radio station was TRYING to see if any company WOULD potentially pick them up, that if that was a possibility MAYBE they could try to go that route. But that is NOT a guarantee. The overall realization is that the boys are STUCK. Even with fandoms, fans, non fans, etc trying to spread the word it may not be enough for them. And if the ceo is this bad in public I CANNOT IMAGINE what they are dealing with behind the scenes. Be a bit more realistic to this situation.

    Welp if the company is that small then they might just have to deal with it unfortunately.

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