This isn't official but I think that the full group comebacks will go as planned
Year 2023 Q1~Q4
- Album (full group comeback)
- Fan meeting/concert
- Unit
- Solo
- Album (full group comeback)
- Solo
- Album (full group comeback)
- Tour
- Album (full group comeback)
- Solo
- Album
- Fan meeting/concert/tour
- Unit
- Solo
- Solo
- Unit
- Album (full group comeback)
- Solo
- Concert/tour
- Unit
- Album (full group comeback)
- Concert/tour
- Japanese album
original post: here
1. Everything will get pushed back again...
2. We all know already....
3. Add SungSho's group debut
4. They keep pushing things back so this is useless....
5. They should just tell us 1 week in advance who is gonna come back insteadㅋㅋㅋ
6. Shinee, ha... I'm excited. Let's go for the 15th year anniversary..
7. This is basically saying that all their existing singers are coming backㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ what's the point...
8. I bet that this is the same plan as 2024 too
9. Even if SM released it, I wouldn't believe it.... seriously, no matter who makes the plan, they never follow throughㅠ
10. Shinee already gave us a spoiler so they must have a full group comeback!!!!