You can name anything, Korean artists, Japanese artists, Other Asian artists, Western artists .... Singer, Actor, Youtuber,... anyone who has/had merch
A Japanese band I liked had strange merch in the 2000s and early 2010s, it was not only those room-scents you put up with those sticks in the bottle, but it was also stuff like condoms ..
A German cartoon-artist I follow made facemasks but the production took so long that he said he was quit pissed as they were finally printed and nobody can use them anymore since the laws switched to masks you trow away instead of reusable fabric. His masks had cartoons with his character on who had funny text on it saying stuff like "Maks make beatuiful" for example xD
And don't forget the infamous "gamer girl bath water" from Belle Delphine
What is the strangest merch you saw?