My thoughts on Day6 contract renewals (and a lil bit of rant)

  • Not that many people know or care, but Day6 renewed their contract. You know when this happens most people would be super excited, but weirdly enough me and I think maybe many other MyDays are like .... how do I put it, I'm not sure how to put it

    Long story short, StudioJ kinda has a history of well, being the worse division in JYPE. I mean you have a lot of fans shitting on JYPE, but I can assure you none of all your concerns about other JYPE artists can be worse than Day6. I mean StudioJ has a 0% renewal rate until Day6. Bernard Park, the only soloist left in Studio J, actually left a few weeks ago. None of the solo artists renewed with JYPE. StudioJ now only has Day6 and Xdinary Heroes

    I'll be honest, they have been good to EOD, probably because of what they want today. They want Day6 to renew so they only pumped in shit ton of effort when EOD was formed. Probably realised they fked up bad when not 1, but 2 members had to take a long hiatus in 2020 due to mental anxiety. So you can understand why fans are a bit weirded out that Day6 chose to renew. Just to emphasize, I'm not speaking on behalf of the entire fandom, but at least from the discourse in reddit, a lot of us are in the same boat. Yes we are happy that Day6 is still together but we are kinda like eh really? Thing is, we have no doubt that Day6 will stay together, just not whether with StudioJ.

    And also with Jae fiasco. Jae has voiced out that him leaving Day6 and JYPE will kinda only be temporary, and this contract renewal just makes us further away from an OT5 reunion. Thing is, it's not be being delulu, but Jae has mentioned that the boys have discussed this and told us that if we don't trust him, at least trust the boys, hinting that OT5 will be endgame. And you know what, even despite contract renewal, I still trust them. The thing I hate is probably that OT4 fans will just use this as ammo to shit on Jae again.

    From the way I see it, Jae still needs some time to work on his solo, and Day6 has to do something and now that I think about it, contract renewal makes sense. At least for another 3 years until 2025. The promotions they have done so far it's obvious, they are targeting the domestic market, which is what they are doing best. Like despite me saying they are flops, they are actually the most popular band in Korea. I think that Day6 to some extent are afraid that military would make them lose popularity, and this contract renewal just ignite more faith that the band is still happening. Not to mention that despite them being in military, we literally see them like every single week or so. They literally just today, EOD performed at a military concert together. I think contract renewal serves as some form of stability for the group. To be honest, being in JYPE do have a lot of perks I can't deny that.

    And not only that, if Sungjin were to say do any solo promotions or anything since he is the only one out of military, he would kinda have to renew his contract anyways. Also, Studio J better treat them better now considering the mistreat they had for like so many years. I'm sure that they renew probably also because Studio J finally treated them better as seen from EOD. And to be fair, a lot of things are just speculation from fans but I'm sure the boys know what is best for them.

    It's kinda bittersweet. Yes we are happy that Day6 is together no doubt, but there was never any doubt about that in the first place. It's just for OT5 it just puts us in this position where we are very uncertain about things. Will they reunite once the contracts are over again? Will they promote as Day6 with OT4 or will they promote as EOD in 2024? Will Jae be able to join back Day6 for promotions (the way Taecyeon joins back 2pm for promotions despite being in a different company). As of now Jae isn't signed to any label but working on his own stuff.

    Regardless, I have faith that Day6 will continue, just that I'm uncertain about the future and future I mean like 2024 - 2025 onwards when everyone is out of military. I have absolute faith and trust that whatever decisions they make, it is for their own good.

    Trust and listen to Day6


  • I'm not a MyDay'er and I like this band. Their singing ability and musicality makes them a standout group.

    I'm waiting to see if Studio J does better by them or if they were bluffing and actually more concerned about losing a great band rather than figuring out how to make them greater and more invested in the company:

    • Their Japanese album ("Unlock", 2018) was a 90% "playthrough". If it was profitable, why haven't they done another J-album of similar length?

    • Day 6's EV(English Version) tracks are some of the best in the industry. Why haven't they at least played any concerts in Europe/UK where less "mainstream" artists from the US even get "play"?
  • I was honestly really shocked they renewed especially since Jae seemed to keep hinting at a OT5 reunion. As you said, I'll trust the boys but I just really don't trust JYP.

    The thing about OT5 reunion, I'm still holding on hope for it. Just not sure when.

    To be fair to both parties, Day6 has to have their own activity as well while Jae sort out his solo endeavours.

    The thing I'm curious now is how long the extended contract is.

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