Where is the line between not spoiling the song and a false marketing?

  • Don't you guys think what JYP is doing has gone beyond simply "non spoiling" and they are just false marketing the songs at this point?

    TTT and Sneakers trailer and first teaser not just sound but even don't feel like the final product at all.

    TTT first trailer had a more dramatic sound, and even some parts like Momo screaming YOU(4th second) and YEAH(13th second) are totally missing from the song, there is just no such part. It only exists in the teaser and give it a more edgy vibe. So JYP literally created sounds for the trailer and it isn't in the final product.

    Then with Itzy's teaser he basically mislead the fans into dramatic girl crush concept but it really wasn't. I mean there is no denying at this point that he knew that the songs are underwhelming. There even was an interview where he said Itzy's next next(the one after Sneakers) song is going to be great. And he said that before Sneakers. Why'd he say something like that? Why'd he not praise Sneakers instead.

    JYP spoiling ITZY's world tour and comeback - YouTube

    I mean judge it for yourselves.

  • The TTT teaser sounds just like the song to me, which sounds just like a Twice song.


    On Itzy, I don’t care for Sneakers, but it sounds a lot like the Icy, Wannabe, Dalla Dalla stuff that people liked so like if you were into that, here’s more stuff like that. I liked the Loco and Voltage stuff but it seems like those were less popular and Sneakers has been performing better on the charts so :pepe-shrug:

    If you want misleading, come follow SM groups where music shows up in teaser trailers never to appear again on an album m.

    This track from 1:41 on didn’t show up on any album.

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    This is not the first time we got played. This isn’t anywhere either.

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    But then SM has been lying to be since the EXO Pathcode teasers, which became Call Me Baby. I love CMB but naw, that’s definitely not what anyone was expecting there.



  • different strokes for different folks

    maybe you personally believe that it was false marketing and I'm sure there are others that will agree with you and obviously the reverse is also true that others believe what was teased was what they got

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