Since I'm tired...

  • of the irrational hate he's getting....

    Here's an appreciation post....

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    He's so hateful HE gave the confidence Wei's Yohan needed to rap

    HE encouraged him...

    Now Enjoy His Music

    Anyone coming on here to slander him

    will be reported.








  • whos hating on him

    do people even know him

    so many because of the irrational shit they think he did to wendy on her talk show because he had friendly banter and snapped his finger in excitement. they can't even make a news article on a music video of his without people insulting the shit out of him. it's ridiculous why would address the issue when there isnt' an issue to begin with? People taking shit out of context.

    And half that respond keep going "who is he" like if you don't even know him why the hell are you judging him to death? pisses me off

  • so many because of the irrational shit they think he did to wendy on her talk show because he had friendly banter and snapped his finger in excitement. they can't even make a news article on a music video of his without people insulting the shit out of him. it's ridiculous why would address the issue when there isnt' an issue to begin with? People taking shit out of context.

    And half that respond keep going "who is he" like if you don't even know him why the hell are you judging him to death? pisses me off

    well im sure wendy has a sense of humor

    u r m o m g a y


  • well im sure wendy has a sense of humor

    she didn't look pissed at all but everyone nitpicking the fuck out of everything.

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    Really those of us with a brain can see she's not that upset and no he wasn't being rude. On top of that majority of people who know him from up10tion and produce knows he's not an evil person. It angers me and hurts my heart that people who clearly don't know him are insulting him so bad. Even on an article over a performance video. Like I really don't care and won't make excuses for how people feel but they are being irrational.

    Poor guy was one of the victims of the produce scandal and unfairly rigged out. Did nothing but encourage and help people in the show. Not a mean bone in his body and people are just shaming him. Disgusting.

  • honestly, getting cancelled on the internet does not require being an evil person

    just need to do something that irks the mood of some random person on the internet and they will find a way to turn you into a menace to society

    and i hope you know him being a man is an automatic strike to many people on the internet, esp a lot of kpop fans

    u r m o m g a y


  • honestly, getting cancelled on the internet does not require being an evil person

    just need to do something that irks the mood of some random person on the internet and they will find a way to turn you into a menace to society

    and i hope you know him being a man is an automatic strike to many people on the internet, esp a lot of kpop fans

    Yeah that's unfortunate. Because if the roles were reversed no one would think twice. If it was a female who did that, no one would think twice. I am just very very passionate about Up10tion. Had he of done something really wrong of course I wouldn't be supporting his behavior, but never in the years of me following Up10tion, nothing that i've seen/watched has he done anything to deserve such hateful things being said about him.

    This is someone who had to pretend he didn't exist when Up10tion went live and he still lived in the dorm. His family that he had been with for 4 years at that point had to pretend he wasn't even in the house. Imagine how that must have made him feel? Top Media is complete shit and keeping him away from not only Wooseok but Up10tion for the past 2 years.

    I am hoping that what I posted makes people see what kind of a Person he is. Sure we don't know how he really is off camera, and everyone does evil editing, but I've watched so much shit til i'm blue in the so much shit and there's no way he's such a horrible person.

    I'm sorry but I just am so damn upset over not the fact people are angry, go be angry, whatever, it's the shit they are saying. It's just down right rude, mean and sad. It's on youtube, the news article side, even on his instagram and twitter accounts. It's disgusting to see.

  • its ok

    let it out

    u r m o m g a y


  • its ok

    let it out

    Thanks for at least reading everything and responding. At least some have taken a look. It just saddens me. I just hope someone watches the videos and tries to get a glimpse of the kind of person he is.

  • Thanks for at least reading everything and responding. At least some have taken a look. It just saddens me. I just hope someone watches the videos and tries to get a glimpse of the kind of person he is.

    dont let internet trolls have you believe snapping fingers is worth getting cancelled over

    if these people had their life history investigated, you could indirectly accuse them of much worse ( as it is with most of us )

    u r m o m g a y


  • dont let internet trolls have you believe snapping fingers is worth getting cancelled over

    if these people had their life history investigated, you could indirectly accuse them of much worse ( as it is with most of us )

    That's true. Isn't funny how quick people are to call idols out for the littelst thing and accuse them of something most of us would be like uhh why is that an issue? Seriously, they all act like saints in their life, like they have never did anything wrong at all in their life. Never had a spat with a sibling, or a quarrel with a classmate, or a falling out with a friend. Never cussed, or did something dumb in their life.

    I am pretty sure these people are not perfect angels...

    amazing isn't it?

  • That's true. Isn't funny how quick people are to call idols out for the littelst thing and accuse them of something most of us would be like uhh why is that an issue? Seriously, they all act like saints in their life, like they have never did anything wrong at all in their life. Never had a spat with a sibling, or a quarrel with a classmate, or a falling out with a friend. Never cussed, or did something dumb in their life.

    I am pretty sure these people are not perfect angels...

    amazing isn't it?

    almost all of us ( not including saints, i know there's a few of them out there ) throughout our lives have done and will do things that absolutely are not "good" actions, influenced by mood, selfish desires, and maybe actual needs ( sorry my own life matters more than everyone else's to me ) and if you're creative enough, you can use any of those not-so-good actions to indirectly link to some great problem in society and get anyone cancelled

    but we have developed brains that are supposed to understand context, intention and nuance

    and if someone doesnt, they're too dumb to be taken seriously

    u r m o m g a y


  • almost all of us ( not including saints, i know there's a few of them out there ) throughout our lives have done and will do things that absolutely are not "good" actions, influenced by mood, selfish desires, and maybe actual needs ( sorry my own life matters more than everyone else's to me ) and if you're creative enough, you can use any of those not-so-good actions to indirectly link to some great problem in society and get anyone cancelled

    but we have developed brains that are supposed to understand context, intention and nuance

    and if someone doesnt, they're too dumb to be taken seriously

    Valid points, while I get "finger pointing/snapping at someone" is rude if done in an agressive rude manner, when doing it an excited, laughing, joking manner it's done light-heartedly. I really wonder why people have a hard time understanding tone and reading body language. All that i watched was friendly joking, him being excited and loud like he sometimes is. Picking on her as aquaintances and friends do. Nothing in her body language nor his showed any anger, or tension.

    To me it feels like a group of GG stans who hate men looking for a reason to cancel someone. To make comments as " who is this guy, who even is he, where is he from" shows me their ignorance. If you don't even know who he is, how can you judge someone so harshly?

    I'm no saint, i have my fair share of issues, as I'm sure you do, and the next person. Sometimes the way we behave is a reaction to something we've experienced, are going through, or maybe just woke up having a bad day and decided to be assholes to random people. There's no way in hell these people are perfect. If they were, they wouldn't be on the internet. I personally have found that ever since the pandemic started and people stopped going out for air and socializing they've been addicted to the internet and sit here and just go through things or watch things or whatever and just nit-pick every little thing.

    What I hate the most is the bandwagoning going on. Did they not teach them in schools that, that behavior is extremely toxic? They sure did when I was growing up. That forming your opinion based on everyone else just to fit in makes you incredibly toxic? I mean if friends came up to me and said so and so is a terrible person, sure i'll take their views into account, but i'm not gonna hate that person unless they do something to me.

    Idk..just some ranting...i really wanna know what the hell these kids are being taught that they find the littlest thing a "bully incident", or the littlest thing taken out of context to be the end of the world.

  • its true for internet spaces

    thankfully its far from true irl

    i get a ton of social interaction with strangers daily and I've noticed people are still very much open and friendly, both men and women , but everyone is kind of almost afraid of negative reactions so they put on this protective layer of ignorance until you initiate an action and then they switch to very open and almost relieved

    im 100% sure pandemic and everyone's reliance on social media as their only means of interaction made this problem 100x worse but honestly, you shouldnt take it too seriously

    the material world, love it or hate it, is what matters at the end of the day

    u r m o m g a y


  • its true for internet spaces

    thankfully its far from true irl

    i get a ton of social interaction with strangers daily and I've noticed people are still very much open and friendly, both men and women , but everyone is kind of almost afraid of negative reactions so they put on this protective layer of ignorance until you initiate an action and then they switch to very open and almost relieved

    im 100% sure pandemic and everyone's reliance on social media as their only means of interaction made this problem 100x worse but honestly, you shouldnt take it too seriously

    the material world, love it or hate it, is what matters at the end of the day

    Yeah, I understand. I shouldn't be taken it seriously but i'm on edge 'cause Up10tion's 7 year anniversary is in 2 days...and...Honey10 are worried about the contract....either they will disband, renew as 7 or 8 or who knows. My heart loves all of them equally (okay sunyoul more) so seeing the hate, and this little thing being blown out of proportion makes me even more worried for their future and what may happen.

    It's out of my control, I know...But this group means more to me than anyone can imagine and I know if they disband and some of the members go solo i'll support, but it won't be the same...I've been incredibly nervous and on edge. I've not stanned a group that has disbanded that meant a lot to me, yet. I've been through disbandments, and quickly got over them as some members have gone to new groups. I'm so worried about Up10tion.

    Literally hurts my heart to think about. :pepecute:

  • Yeah, I understand. I shouldn't be taken it seriously but i'm on edge 'cause Up10tion's 7 year anniversary is in 2 days...and...Honey10 are worried about the contract....either they will disband, renew as 7 or 8 or who knows. My heart loves all of them equally (okay sunyoul more) so seeing the hate, and this little thing being blown out of proportion makes me even more worried for their future and what may happen.

    It's out of my control, I know...But this group means more to me than anyone can imagine and I know if they disband and some of the members go solo i'll support, but it won't be the same...I've been incredibly nervous and on edge. I've not stanned a group that has disbanded that meant a lot to me, yet. I've been through disbandments, and quickly got over them as some members have gone to new groups. I'm so worried about Up10tion.

    Literally hurts my heart to think about. :pepecute:

    depends mostly on their earnings tbh

    mentally prepare yourself though

    u r m o m g a y


  • depends mostly on their earnings tbh

    mentally prepare yourself though

    with top media heh, it's good but not great, they could do more if top media would have brought jinhyuk and wooseok back to the group but ever since they went to produce top media has only kept htem as soloists, so not promoting back with Up10tion isn't helping up10tion at all.

    Most people think they are nugu's even though they been around for 7 years. They used to perform at kcon haven't done that since 2019. They have been nominated several times for awards never won. And they stopped being nominated after 2019. So Top Media really destroyed them.

    Personally praying they don't renew and go elsewhere as the 10 of them, even if they renew I hope they set some terms with TM. I personally think Sunyoul wants to burn the company down lol.

    As for preparing, I wanna say i'm prepared for the worst and ready to cry, i got a box of tissues here, but hoping for the best outcome. Even if they renew as 7 or finally bring Jinhoo back and renew as 8 (since wooseok and jinhyuk are still soloists) i'd accept that. I just want them to do what makes them happy.

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