The ONEUS album has not be released yet, but I still wanted to make this thread.
I might make a part 2 of this thread, when it is released.
I'm kind of getting into the topic of religion in this thread. And I will get into the Christian bible's version of what I'm going to be talking about because that is the version, I'm more familiar with.
Well.... when I first saw this, the snake and the apple, I was thinking what I think most people would associate it with, which is Adam and Eve.
Later this got released:
Which shows the ONEUS members' hands and fruits.
Interesting fact, in the bible, it never says that the forbidden fruit is an apple. It never specifies what fruit it is.
The reason why most people think they are talking about apples, is because the Latin word for "apple" and "evil". And the word is "malum", which is from the adjective "malus", which is the name of the album.
First we see Leedo's Visual Film.
It has the apple in it, which is what we commonly associate with the forbidden fruit.
The apple also symbolizes knowledge, immortality, temptation, sin and fertility. (well... apples symbolize a lot of stuff)
The word serenity means "the state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled."
Not sure if Leedo being shirtless in this is a metaphor or if it is just to make fans malfunction.
Then we get to Seoho's Visual Film
It has a pomegranate instead.
There are some people who believe that the forbidden fruit was a pomegranate.
It is also a symbolism of death and fertility.
And now it is the birthday boy Hwanwoong's turn.
It looks like an apple to me.
But unlike Leedo, someone is giving him the apple. It makes me think of when Eve gives Adam the apple after being tempted.
Him being blindfolded makes me think of how Eve gets told by the serpent that "Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil."
I interpret this as Hwanwoong being greedy for apple or knowledge.
Ravn's Visual Film
In this, we see raspberries. which symbolizes "creativity, maternity, love, and kindness" (I don't know if that even makes sense in this context)
I think I also see strawberries, which symbolize "passion, forbidden temptation, and sensuality" (in deeper meanings)
At first, I felt like it would be unnecessary to bring up Ravn's necklace, which has a crescent on it, but the crescent is "a sign of fertility, related to life and death."
Keonhee Visual Film
Well... we see what I'm sure is supposed to be the serpent.
In this, Keonhee is eating a fig.
The fig is also one of the fruits that some people believe was the forbidden fruit because the clothing, which Adam and Eve made after eating the fruit, was made out of fig leaves.
Figs are also a symbol of fertility.
I personally feel like the books could symbolize knowledge because when I want to gain some knowledge about something, I read books.
And lastly, we have Xion's Visual Film.
It looks a bit child-like, perhaps symbolizing how children are seen as innocent. (Well... Xion is the younger member, and the youngest members in kpop group tend to be treated in this sort of way)
I can't tell what kind of flowers these are, so I can't tell what some of the flowers symbolize.
I thought one of the flower stickers on his face looked like a daisy, which is a flower that symbolizes innocence.
The way he looks into the mirror, makes me think of Narcissus from Greek mythology, and him writing "ME" and putting a heart around it kind of gives me the same vibe.
The fruit, we see here is cherries. According to one source, in art history, cherries symbolize "something new and pure". Sometimes we use the words "pure" and "innocent" in the same sentence, or I often make the "I'm pure and innocent" joke.
In college, I was taught that soap bubbles symbolize the fragility of life, or that symbol is used more in vanitas paintings. I have learned that soap bubbles also symbolize "lightness, pleasure, access to a world without worries".
That was it.
Well... ONEUS are not the first kpop artists to have a concept that is related to Adam and Eve.
Gain had an album called "Hawwah", which also had a concept like this.
and before Ravn debuted in ONEUS, he was performing "Paradise Lost" from the "Hawwah" album on MIXNINE.
LOL another thread, I spent hours on...