Before you watch a movie/TV Show/etc... ​do you ever check out their contents before watching it?

  • I mean... that you maybe go on Parents Guide of IMDb and stuff.

    I don't always do it.

    But I sometimes do.

    I often get uncomfortable by sex scenes in movies.

    Also, if it is gore.

    One flaw about checking the contents is that I might get spoiled from it.

    Reminds me of when I was watching the Parents Guide for one movie, and when I watched it, I was thinking "okay, now this and that happens."

    Well... sometimes in section talking about the "Sex and Nudity", they might say stuff like "Two people kiss." "One character is gay." "A man is walking around his living room shirtless" (that kind of things don't bother me at all lol)

    But I don't check contents that if it is a movie targeted towards children. Like if it is a Disney or Pixar movie. (even though some movies might have some adult jokes in them)

    And I also don't check contents if it is obvious that the movie has contents like that.

    When it is books, I don't always check the contents.

    Even though when I look at Goodreads book reviews, they often give trigger warnings. They don't talk about it containing sex and other stuff. (unless the trigger warning is related to it.)

    I'm glad that some book reviews give trigger warning though.

    And I was also glad seeing a book one day in the book store that had trigger warnings in it.

    I recently read a short story collection, and there was one story where I wish that I was warned about the triggering content, because I felt so uncomfortable reading it.

    I sometimes don't read romance books because I often assume that it might have sex scenes in it. (unless if it is Jane Austen or something.)

  • I do when I watch it with my mom lmao

    I make sure there isnt anything there to make her uncomfortable

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  • I'v never checked them before so this is a new information for me, I knew these guidess exist but i didn't know they are this specific

    I usually pick a movie/series based on teasers/trailers

  • I used to watch movies that had good IMDB ratings. It was a way to know if the movie was good or not. I stopped doing that after I found a movie with a rating of 7.5 ( which is really good ), and the movie was terrible. They spent the first hour of the movie talking in the car, and they just had dinner in the second half of the movie. I couldn't believe that a bad movie like that could get a high rating. Now I just watch the movies I find in the movie gallery of my IPTV provider. It's the top iptv service, and they have everything.

  • Synopsis and trailer, sometimes specialized reviews.

    The main thing for me is usually that the story is coherent and interesting




  • Well I check the IMDB parent's guide if the show or movie is +16 on Netflix cause sometimes the ratings are off

    But I also don't want to see any funny business or severe gore so the guide lets me know if there are any scenes like that

    I don't watch trailers or synopsis

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