When they are the second most popular kpop act worldwide, their STREAMS/CHARTING/VIEWS proves how their music is known and LOVED so what is happening?? People are listening their song bc ???
Since debut their songs INCLUDING B SIDES (hi 2018 kkkk) charts extremely high with their b sides doing wonders and while majority of kpop groups are just known for their title tracks, we have BP who since forever (2018.. i was just exaggerating, but you guys understood kkkk) always charted every damn song but somehow we are in a time where "hey, BP are more known as influencers, not a kpop group" so what are your faves? The real artists that barely charts the title track??
Like, sure, be delusional, but to this point??? For real??
BP are known as a kpop group, IT GIRLS, influencers, models, etc etc etc and it's their music playing on your head while you are reading this thread I'm joking with this one kkkkkk
Anyways, BP artists, BP musicians, BP kpop queens!
Disclaimer: I'm tired and what i said it's the truth, sorry if you are crying!