Goose Wings part 1 | short story

  • Based on some ideas I have had.

    Also inspired by when LavenderBobaTea asked me to "write about a cat princess who meets a silly goose, and falls in love" (even though the goose probably isn't that silly in this story)

    Didn't want to make this an Share Your Gifts entry because it would be too obvious who the author is.

    At first I wanted to write the complete the story today, but then decided to just make it have a part 1 and stuff.

    Goose Wings

    Part 1

    The clouds are grey outside the castle in Kettuhavn.

    The princess with the cat ears is standing there leaning at the wall in her bedroom, while holding piece of paper with a portrait of Prince Thomas, the guy that her parents want her to marry.

    She looks at his blond hair and the cat ears that have the same colour as his hair.

    He has a smile in that portrait that makes him seem like a person who thinks too highly of himself.

    She places the paper back on the writing desk, where she usually wrote letters to her friends.

    She opens the bedroom door and walks in the hallway.

    "Where are you going, Your Highness?" she hears a maid asking.

    "I just want to go for a walk and get some fresh air"

    "You do that, but I will let you know that we have to eat dinner soon."

    "Alright." she responds.

    She feels the wind blowing on her white gown, her dark hair and the fur of her ears.

    Even though the sky isn't light blue and the sun is nowhere to see, she is content with the weather.

    She is enjoying the feeling of her sheepskin shoes stepping on the grass in the garden.

    She decides to go the to the beach, where she often would listen to the waves of the sea.

    Her shoes are touching the sand.

    The sound of the waves make her feel some sort of calmness.

    She wants to lie down and relax, while listening to the waves, but she doesn't want to make her gown dirty.

    Instead she closes her eyes and stands there listening to the sound of nature.

    She hears some birds tweeting.

    A smile appears on her face.

    "Excuse me?" she hears someone say, which startles her.

    She opens her eyes and then sees a guy with greyish brown hair and white goose wings on his back.

    "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." he says. "I just wanted to know where the bakery is. I have never been in Kettuhavn before."

    "It is alright." she says. "Unfortunately, I'm not sure where the bakery is, but you might find it if you fly to the water tower and then turn left when you see the tailor's house."

    "I can not fly." he says.

    "What do you mean?"

    "My wings don't work." he says. "it has been like this since I was born."

    "I'm sorry for that."

    "Do not pity me, I'm doing fine without my flying skills."

    "My apologies, I should not have pitied you."

    "Don't mind about that, people usually feel pity when they know that I can not fly." he says and then adds. "Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Gander."

    "I'm Miriam."

    "That is a beautiful name." he says with a smile, while looking into her eyes.

    Her cheeks turn pink.

    "Oh, I have to go." he says. "first to the tailor's house and then the water tower."


    "But I'll be here tomorrow, if you would like to meet me again." he says.

    Then he waddles away.

    She decides to stay at the beach.

    Her heart starts fluttering.

    She starts thinking about how she rather would marry him.

    Then suddenly she remembers that they are going to eat dinner soon, so she walks home.

    To be continued...

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