people who love getting drunk frequently
I apparently live in one of the drunkest cities in America though.
In case you're curious, that statistic is derived from the percentages of adults drinking excessively, percentage of deaths due to drunk driving, premature deaths, and medium income.
19% of adults in the U.S drink excessively, while in my city, it is 30%.
You'd think I might interact with drunk people more often but I keep to myself so not really. Don't even go near bars despite how many of them are around...
I apparently live in one of the drunkest cities in America though.
In case you're curious, that statistic is derived from the percentages of adults drinking excessively, percentage of deaths due to drunk driving, premature deaths, and medium income.
19% of adults in the U.S drink excessively, while in my city, it is 30%.
You'd think I might interact with drunk people more often but I keep to myself so not really. Don't even go near bars despite how many of them are around...
well yeah i avoid bars like a plague too
Alcohol consumption is the biggest enigma to me.Shit tastes like dishwater.
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