rank the big 4 company stans on annoyingness

  • For me it used to be:

    1. SM: insufferable about vocals, kinda bad at being company stans since they literally pick and chose who to like (ex. hating on exo and rv)

    2. YG: hated on blackpink until it was time to use their achievements to show why whygee was the best, plus they defend criminals like it’s their job

    3. HYBE: not even that bad when it was just bts and txt, only thing weird was that they often defended bighit even though it’s just as bad as any other top company in different ways

    4. JYP: honestly, they’re alright, very loyal but not that annoying—although i do see some of them hate on stray kids a lot which is weird

    But now it’s more like:

    1. HYBE: literally the biggest superiority complexes, thinks the groups are the best in everything just because they’re in that company ;( i’m just glad that they don’t defend the company itself as much anymore

    2. SM: kinda the same thing as above, also uses the “sm has the best music” thing to shit on every non-sm group

    3. JYP: they’re fine still but some literally stan jaywhypee himself like wtf :facepalm:

    4. YG: died out since “yg fam” era so there’s not as many to be annoying, still weird but since there’s less of em it’s easier to ignore

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  • sm stans have the biggest superiority complex and hate the most on other groups that aren't from sm so easily them at nr. 1

  • Sm : always look down on other groups, eat whatever shit sm gives and act like it's a masterpiece and the most unique piece of art, they think every other group which isn't from sm is untalented.

    Hybe : stan their ceo, pds, staff, bodyguards more than actual groups, act like hybe is the only comapny that doesn't mistreat anyone and gives freedom to their artists.

    YG : they still exist?

    Jyp : they're not that loud I rarely come across one.

  • Hybe stans taking the cake after getting mad at Jeonghan for saying the building's security facial recognition sucks.

  • HYBE: turn up the annoyingness of SM stans up to eleven, add more rabidness, and a dash of fake intellectualism. Congrats you have the worst company stan ever

    SM: Massive superiority complexes, convinced SM idols are prettier, nicer, more skilled, and have better music than everyone else just because they're from SM. They're absolutely terrible but HYBE stans somehow manage to outdo them

    JYP: There are not a lot of them, compared to SM and HYBE stans, and they're also quieter. But that doesn't mean they're not annoying, it's far from that. And yeah I've noticed too that many of them have something against SKZ.

    YG: fortunately they're near extinction

  • JYP stans: they pretend to be nice, but quite some of them are constantly shading other non-JYP groups and their fandoms or support those who do, and as soon as you reply in defense or react back harshly, they start playing victim and act as if the others, non-JYP stans are the bad ones, completely ignoring all the shading that their fellow Midzy/Once/JYP stans have been doing and started with. Super annoying.

    HYBE stans: suffer the biggest superiority complexes and at the slightest criticism, they mass gang up on those persons - even if it's another Army/HYBE stan that voiced the criticism! - while still always playing the victim card as if they're the ones being persecuted instead of doing the persecution.

    SM stans: some of the biggest SM stans are extremely insufferable, always boasting and starting fanwars, and shut up about those vocals, as if there's nothing else to praise SM artists about! They're the worst at being a company stan, suck at loyalty or even sympathy towards other SM groups and SM fandoms and most of them could even be - and are as much - company antis for real, with the way they dismiss and even dislike SM the company and other SM groups that aren't 1 of their biases.

    YG stans: those few hardcore ones that remain can be insufferable and intolerable in their shading, but there's almost as much disloyalty and inimity towards other YG fandoms as seen with SM fandoms, there's little friendship lost between the separate YG fandoms. The real hardcore YG stans left long ago.

  • SM is the most annoying hands down imo. They have been since I starting being a kpop fan in the 2nd gen.

  • Fandoms that stan sm acts are the most annoying. Being a kpop watcher since second generation, I’ve seen how they became more rabid. Hybe comes close second.

  • sm stans especially mys are most annoying and bratty

  • Lol at YG stans and their toxicness being ignored. I have to laugh, really hard.

    In 2nd gen era and early 3rd gen era YG stans were, by far, the most obnoxious, arrogant and insufferably toxic company stans ever found in kpop. With their pretentious 'only YG groups are real artists', their unbelievable adoration of 'Papa YG', their incredible claims that Bom was the best singer and YG groups the most talented of them all in kpop. Never mind the constant fanwars they started up with every competing group and fandom.

    It's not for nothing that 9 out 10 of the most agressive, toxic trolls happened to be Blackjack or YG stan in those years, and I'm not even exaggerating.

  • Jyp stans: the fakest people lol the type of people to smile to your face and bitch behind your back

    Hybe stans: loud and arrogant

    Sm stans: loud and argumentative

    Yg stans: barely any left lol

  • JYP stans are the worst. Always being shady but pretend to be nice. Absolute snakery from these people. First ones to pull the victim cards as well. Somehow have a superiority complex despite their groups having the least actual talent in any aspect of idoldom, be it dancing, singing, rapping, swagging, variety-ing, composing, the list goes on. Supports the Big 4 company that sexualizes their groups the most. Red flag for sure.

  • Idk where y'all see all these SM stans when I can count all of them on one hand

  • Lol at YG stans and their toxicness being ignored. I have to laugh, really hard.

    In 2nd gen era and early 3rd gen era YG stans were, by far, the most obnoxious, arrogant and insufferably toxic company stans ever found in kpop. With their pretentious 'only YG groups are real artists', their unbelievable adoration of 'Papa YG', their incredible claims that Bom was the best singer and YG groups the most talented of them all in kpop. Never mind the constant fanwars they started up with every competing group and fandom.

    It's not for nothing that 9 out 10 of the most agressive, toxic trolls happened to be Blackjack or YG stan in those years, and I'm not even exaggerating.

    don’t get me wrong, they definitely used to take the cake as some of the most annoying breeds of stans out there, but they’ve undergone a wipeout so it’s a million times easier to pretend the ones who yak on about their glory days don’t exist

  • Sm fanatics especially reveluv's thinking the cake girls keep the lights on at sm and constantly trash their junior groups. The kind that goes "but Wendy" in vocal appreciation threads or that spout Irene is original visual unironically

  • JYP stans dislike stray kids, because they think the other groups aren't treated as good as them in the company

  • SM stans >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Hybe stans>Blinks>>>>>>>>>jyp stans>>>>>>>>>>>>>yg stans

  • Lol at YG stans and their toxicness being ignored. I have to laugh, really hard.

    In 2nd gen era and early 3rd gen era YG stans were, by far, the most obnoxious, arrogant and insufferably toxic company stans ever found in kpop. With their pretentious 'only YG groups are real artists', their unbelievable adoration of 'Papa YG', their incredible claims that Bom was the best singer and YG groups the most talented of them all in kpop. Never mind the constant fanwars they started up with every competing group and fandom.

    It's not for nothing that 9 out 10 of the most agressive, toxic trolls happened to be Blackjack or YG stan in those years, and I'm not even exaggerating.


  • What is even a Hybe stan? I barely see any. If you mean BH stans, I agree. They're dumb and think all their groups are superior just because they're under BigHit when TXT is way worse than certain 4th gen groups in terms of talent and music.

  • HYBE STANS: So annoying and they love to gang up on everyone that disagree with them x)

    JYP STANS: They are so fake pretending to be nice while being delusional
    BLINKS: I won't even say YG stans BLINKS are so hypocrital they love to be nice to other fans or groups but the moment they feel BlackPink can be surpassed they start attacking those same groups they were nice to

    SM STANS: Everyone gang up on them so they get annoying because they have to defend themselves and their groups constantly x)

  • HYBE STANS: So annoying and they love to gang up on everyone that disagree with them x)

    JYP STANS: They are so fake pretending to be nice while being delusional
    BLINKS: I won't even say YG stans BLINKS are so hypocrital they love to be nice to other fans or groups but the moment they feel BlackPink can be surpassed they start attacking those same groups they were nice to

    SM STANS: Everyone gang up on them so they get annoying because they have to defend themselves and their groups constantly x)

    This just reads like an SM fan lmao

  • SM stans have such a big victim complex on here. Sooo annoying they always acting like sm is the main character lmao

  • Don’t get me started on jyp stans cause they always tryna act all mature but will be the most shady

  • Y’all really naming blinks lmao it’s says COMPANY STAN blinks ain’t standing no company

  • HYBE STANS: So annoying and they love to gang up on everyone that disagree with them x)

    JYP STANS: They are so fake pretending to be nice while being delusional
    BLINKS: I won't even say YG stans BLINKS are so hypocrital they love to be nice to other fans or groups but the moment they feel BlackPink can be surpassed they start attacking those same groups they were nice to

    SM STANS: Everyone gang up on them so they get annoying because they have to defend themselves and their groups constantly x)

    I just know is that fake blink saying this shit while putting sm stans as the least annoying

  • JYP stan delusionals, always shading other groups and acting like hypocrites whenever they shade as if they did nothing wrong, always pissing on the achievements and talents of other groups and being almost agressively toxic with their replies and smiley reactions at the smallest hint of criticism of JYP groups like TWICE. JYP stans like Once were the biggest bashers of BP when they were rising, and were always starting fights sneakily and out of the blue.

    The worst of them all are the Once/Tzuyu stans, always trying to sell in an almost whining way the hilarious argument that Tzuyu is a 'real It girl' as if it's some holy blessing and getting downright spiteful and vicious as another girl idol they dislike are praised as It girl. Their shades are often the most absurd and toxic, they make it personal. Get a life, you delulus - and stay away from weapons irl bc you're the type of people that are likeliest to snap and turn crazy irl.

    JYP stans, stans of JYP groups, are the biggest group around here (aside from maybe Army), so of course they deflect to the other fandoms as being worst, as the toxic at heart people that they are.

    JYP stans >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SM stans > HYBE stans > [nothing: YG stans are extinct]

  • HYBE STANS: So annoying and they love to gang up on everyone that disagree with them x)

    JYP STANS: They are so fake pretending to be nice while being delusional
    BLINKS: I won't even say YG stans BLINKS are so hypocrital they love to be nice to other fans or groups but the moment they feel BlackPink can be surpassed they start attacking those same groups they were nice to

    SM STANS: Everyone gang up on them so they get annoying because they have to defend themselves and their groups constantly x)

    of course the biggest sm stan in allkpop will say this x) -_- -.- i hate sm stans like this the most. stop with the narrative that everyone gang up on sm stans lol you an sm stan always starts sh*t so people will obv call you out

  • most already mention them here. sm stans…. they’ve always had beef and fight the most with all other company stans. they had fan wars with YG stans during 2nd gen, JYP stans during 3rd gen and now hybe stans in 4th gen. maybe in the future they’ll fight with another company like starship? lol

  • The two fandoms that are the biggest here, Once and Army, unironically also have the most company stans that actually praise and defend the company of their bias, like other groups of the same company and group up to shade other fandoms and groups the most with almost Fox News-like half-truths.

    It's basically the case of the most dominant fandoms obviously also having the most stan extremists, being the most irritating, and being able the most to twist the truth to their liking with false narratives - like playing victim, playing innocent and demonizing other fandoms for stuff they themselves baited and started.

  • of course the biggest sm stan in allkpop will say this x) -_- -.- i hate sm stans like this the most. stop with the narrative that everyone gang up on sm stans lol you an sm stan always starts sh*t so people will obv call you out

    You conveniently forget how Once went hard on Blinks for years, how Midzy went for the full 100% off on Aespa and MYs, or how Army went hard on even their own, telling them to unstan just because they dared to have the slightest criticisms.

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