I have a feeling that Yet to come is gonna be Life goes on and Ptd's love child

  • i heard the leaks and this is how i felt it sounded like :-(

    i'm glad bts solo era is coming else i would've unstanned already ||

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  • I think it will be the most divisive single of theirs. Even more than PTD.

    A lot of fans have been anticipating a grander sound and a new era in general but it looks like it will be pretty boring.

    I can predict there might be some negative comments even from fans, not just casuals or trolls, Armys will get angry and scream that it's the best song ever and people have no taste and should unstan already if they can't get the meaning of it.

  • will be shit song for sure

  • I'm just pretending this whole era doesn't exist

    the MV looks basic and bland from the teaser, the song is boring too. BTS flop era, unfortunately. But whatever, they'll still be the GOAT.

  • y’all are just….

  • lol post this on your main and go ahead and unstan, no gives a f

    I for one feel that this will be my fave song yet :pepe-pray:

  • i heard the leaks and this is how i felt it sounded like :-(

    i'm glad bts solo era is coming else i would've unstanned already ||

    If it is about music then you should unstan without a second thought.

    I think it will be the most divisive single of theirs. Even more than PTD.

    A lot of fans have been anticipating a grander sound and a new era in general but it looks like it will be pretty boring.

    I can predict there might be some negative comments even from fans, not just casuals or trolls, Armys will get angry and scream that it's the best song ever and people have no taste and should unstan already if they can't get the meaning of it.

    Don't project your feelings onto the fandom. Because most people in the fandom are not entitled like you kids. When people came to terms with the fact that this is not new era and is a look at their journey and career they started look forward to enjoying it and celebrating it. Because bts journey deserves to be celebrated. Only those who are entitled keep whining because they can't digest the fact that bts are not doing what they want them to do. There have been many over the years like these egoistic kids and nothing changed for bts even when they left. It actually became better.

  • If it is about music then you should unstan without a second thought.

    Don't project your feelings onto the fandom. Because most people in the fandom are not entitled like you kids. When people came to terms with the fact that this is not new era and is a look at their journey and career they started look forward to enjoying it and celebrating it. Because bts journey deserves to be celebrated. Only those who are entitled keep whining because they can't digest the fact that bts are not doing what they want them to do. There have been many over the years like these egoistic kids and nothing changed for bts even when they left. It actually became better.

    The fact that you proved my point 😂😂😂😂

  • Is it that deep? You guys have seriously made yourselves miserable for no reason. Whatever old bts you want is never coming back. That is a fact. Bts and their sound are ever evolving and never going back to the same thing twice. The old era is gone. This is a comeback to usher in a new one. You can either accept it and make peace with it. Or stay miserable while crying in anons and the internet about how bts makes nothing but flops now.

    People advise fans like you to unstan because it makes no sense to still call yourself a fan if all you do is complain about everything they do. If every single decision they make annoys you, it simply means you have outgrown each other and should move on to your separate ways. Bts will be okay with or without you. You will also be okay with or without them. Probably a little bit happier since you don't have to listen to flop songs like lgo, ptd and ytc.

  • Don't make yourself miserable unnecessarily.

    We need to accept that BTS are likely to stick with english singles that sound a bit like PTD, because that's where the money is. Who cares that I thought Butter and PTD were embarrassments that were beneath them? Other than me, that is? No one. Because the harsh truth is that my opinion is utterly irrelevant. Both songs got No. 1 on Billboard and probably raked in millions of dollars each. Most fans adore these songs, so of course that's what they're going to continue to release.

  • just leave then. no one needs your annoying ass ruining the mood for everyone. let the real armys enjoy the comeback in peace.

  • I don’t see how it’s like PTD at all so far. My fear is simply a boring ballad with no hook.

  • Labeling it as LGO and PTD lovechild.. You are a success stan, aren't you?

  • i just hope the full song sounds better than the leak. ptd was absolute ass and it doesn't sound that bad, just maybe a little boring

  • Don't make yourself miserable unnecessarily.

    We need to accept that BTS are likely to stick with english singles that sound a bit like PTD, because that's where the money is. Who cares that I thought Butter and PTD were embarrassments that were beneath them? Other than me, that is? No one. Because the harsh truth is that my opinion is utterly irrelevant. Both songs got No. 1 on Billboard and probably raked in millions of dollars each. Most fans adore these songs, so of course that's what they're going to continue to release.

    The only thing I agree with is that your opinion is irrelevant.

  • People advise fans like you to unstan because it makes no sense to still call yourself a fan if all you do is complain about everything they do. If every single decision they make annoys you, it simply means you have outgrown each other and should move on to your separate ways. Bts will be okay with or without you. You will also be okay with or without them. Probably a little bit happier since you don't have to listen to flop songs like lgo, ptd and ytc.

    their solo releases this year were way more fun, so not every decision made by them annoys me

    but keep assuming that :whistling:

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