those who still support amber heard are those who will never believe in evidence.

  • Everyone does have the right to their own opinion, so that’s why i’m giving my own, anonymously of course.

    There is basically no more evidence needed for everyone to be convinced about the truth: amber heard has abused johnny depp throughout their relationship. She has been lying and tried to ruin johnny’s career, unfortunately. What more do we need other than audio recordings, witnesses, even amber slipping up herself and admitting it? It’s so sad seeing people continue to deny.

    I am not going to spread hate against anyone here, not even amber, but i’m saying, this just proves how fricked up the world is. The fact that people still support amber more than they support their own parents…

    Some of you may be right about johnny not being a «saint», but which human being is a saint? As far as we are now, there is no proof of him being an abuser so therefore we will not draw conclusions abot anything, but rather focus on what is proven and what is not. The reason to why we can finally draw a conclusion after such a long time is because, again, THE EVIDENCE.

    False accusations are a very dangerous thing, not only that, but violence very much as well.

    This is not about men vs women.

    This is about truth vs lie.

    Please do not ever make this about that, these 2 genders are half the world both, so why do we need to put the blame on multiple billions of people rather than just putting the blame on who the court ruled as wrong? I have felt the annoyance of the saying «you’re __ because all __ are __», and please do not ever engage in that everybody. It’s plain and simple why: childish.

    Both genders can VERY WELL be victims of domestic violence, and if you continue to deny that, i don’t understand you at all.

    It’s 2022 and we need to stop sympathizing with someone BEFORE it has been taken to court. Reason why people are sympathizing now is because it’s AFTER court, and that’s a big difference.

    I’m gonna stay away from certain topics because I know the extremists on this site sadly will do everything in their power to stop free speech.

    I allow everyone in the replies free speech. If you support amber, free speech is guaranted for you from my side as well. Just please do the same for me. And also please have a civil debate! :thumbup:

    If anything new in the future happens with this situation, please take that into factor, because what I am writing about here is only the current situation.

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  • whatever Deep was confirmed as an abuser also by the court and had to go and give her 2m, a loss for metoo victims and feminism, people only hate her and token stan the case because it was a mutual abusive relationship and he has a bigger career

  • whatever Deep was confirmed as an abuser also by the court and had to go and give her 2m, a loss for metoo victims and feminism, people only hate her and token stan the case because it was a mutual abusive relationship and he has a bigger career

    You didn't understand why he had to pay 2m LOL That was his former attorney who was running his mouth about Amber.

  • this site is full of extremists

  • I'm really glad he won actually. Yes, I know he isn't 100% innocent either or an angel as his fans portray him, but hopefully this will help other men who are domestic abuse victims step up. A lot of men who get hit or verbally assaulted by their wives think they'll be seen as weak if they confess their wife is causing problems in their life. However, a truly weak man is one that lets the stress get the better of him and hits his wife back intentionally (I'm not talking about self-defense).

  • whatever Deep was confirmed as an abuser also by the court and had to go and give her 2m, a loss for metoo victims and feminism, people only hate her and token stan the case because it was a mutual abusive relationship and he has a bigger career

    You know what's a loss for metoo and feminism? Insisting on supporting a proven liar and domestic abuser just because she's a woman. Denouncing what AH did actually protects the movement and its credibility, how do you not get this?

  • People who can see the abuser in him but not Amber have lost it. This means they ignore women being toxic just for the sake of it. They live in this reality where this black and white vision of only men can be abusers and women the abused exist. What they not know is that this mindset is also misogynistic. It implies that women are always weaker physically and mentally than men and therefore the victim by default if they had a issues with men. That’s why they don’t care about evidence, at least not about the evidence that is in favor of men. This is not empowering.

  • whatever Deep was confirmed as an abuser also by the court and had to go and give her 2m, a loss for metoo victims and feminism, people only hate her and token stan the case because it was a mutual abusive relationship and he has a bigger career

    That 2M was because Depp's former attorney ran his mouth to the press that Amber and her friends had trashed the apartment to fake evidence not because of something Johnny did.

    And if the me too movement relies on one single person who has self confessed to be an abuser then... clearly it's the wrong kind of movement...

    Just because Amber has a vagina doesn't mean she has to blindly be believed. Doing so is far more harmful to the me too movement and feminism in general.

    Neither party is innocent. It's okay to admit both of them are guilty. It's better to admit both of their guilt rather than to try and deny one to boost the other.

  • The fact that there's still people supporting AH is absurd. She's a lying abusive bit*h and her actions only set back the me too movement to 20 years ago.

    The only reason she had won in the UK was because his depositions weren't taken into consideration because he was drugging himself at the time, or even then the verdict would've been different.

    Why people can't understand that even women can be abusive ? And this comes from a woman and not a man so don't even try coming against me.

  • You know what's a loss for metoo and feminism? Insisting on supporting a proven liar and domestic abuser just because she's a woman. Denouncing what AH did actually protects the movement and its credibility, how do you not get this?

    People who can see the abuser in him but not Amber have lost it. This means they ignore women being toxic just for the sake of it. They live in this reality where this black and white vision of only men can be abusers and women the abused exist. What they not know is that this mindset is also misogynistic. It implies that women are always weaker physically and mentally than men and therefore the victim by default if they had a issues with men. That’s why they don’t care about evidence, at least not about the evidence that is in favor of men. This is not empowering.

    The fact that there's still people supporting AH is absurd. She's a lying abusive bit*h and her actions only set back the me too movement to 20 years ago.

    The only reason she had won in the UK was because his depositions weren't taken into consideration because he was drugging himself at the time, or even then the verdict would've been different.

    Why people can't understand that even women can be abusive ? And this comes from a woman and not a man so don't even try coming against me.

    Agree but u guys should have said this on main to that biggest amber heard defender.

  • And the evidence of Johnny Depp saying "I headbutted you but I didn't break your nose"?

  • And the evidence of Johnny Depp saying "I headbutted you but I didn't break your nose"?

    Please send me a link to the source. I can’t deny or accept before it’s confirmed.

    I have never heard of that before, but it’d be interesting to hear your view more and seeing the source.

    I do acknowledge certain things that he did like some comments he wrote which doesn’t sit so well with me either, but honestly what amber did to johnny was so weird, unforgivable, evil, & what more can I say? Just…this should not be repeated.

  • It's not worth engaging with them. They have no interest in accepting the truth, just pushing that they're right.

    lol what a sad mentality. i've seen them listen to peoples opinions and respond with evidence so this narrative is simply false.

  • lol what a sad mentality. i've seen them listen to peoples opinions and respond with evidence so this narrative is simply false.

    Evidence to back up their own side or to prove other sides wrong while excluding or minimising evidence that proves their own side wrong.

    But w/e, you want to engage with them, go ahead. I've met people like that before and just ended up going in circles. It's not worth the energy.

  • all the depp fans celebrating this, your lovely angel fav is appearing in the court next month again for assaulting a crew member, but maybe your MRA hearts can find some sympathy for the victim in question since he is a man.

  • all the depp fans celebrating this, your lovely angel fav is appearing in the court next month again for assaulting a crew member, but maybe your MRA hearts can find some sympathy for the victim in question since he is a man.

    If you think people are taking Johnny's side because he's a man, then they wouldn't have believed amber years ago and changed their mind just after listening to evidence years after the accusations were made and damage was already done.

    Amber was believed by most people when she first spoke out, people didn't bother hearing Johnny's side.

  • all the depp fans celebrating this, your lovely angel fav is appearing in the court next month again for assaulting a crew member, but maybe your MRA hearts can find some sympathy for the victim in question since he is a man.

    Like I already mentioned in the thread, this thread is about *johnny’s case with amber heard* only, so this isn’t meant to be a thread about how he’s right or wrong in stuff we don’t know about yet. Always remember the phrase «innocent until proven guilty», that goes for all people involved.

    Also we support him because he’s a victim of amber heard. I understand why you may think that gender is a reason, since there may be a very small amount of people supporting for that (with both sides), but no, that’s a verrryy big No. I mean come on, i don’t get why the «sympathy for men» part was written when in fact, majority of other people sided with amber heard in the start, with no proof.

    Most women & men both support johnny in this case, and that’s, in my opinion, for a very good reason. We cannot blame this on any gender for any reason, and we cannot either use gender as the reason to support, because we can only blame the few people responsible for this, like *for example* amber.

  • What does Amber Heard or Johnny Depp have to do with Kpop?

  • I think both were abusive, and though I admit Depp looks like a much more nicer and friendly guy than Amber, he always had the advantage of being a man, older, richer and more famous than her, so he still was in a bigger position of power than her with or without the abuse. Amber just happened to not be the martyr type of victim, she actually had plenty of apparent flaws, and that ruined her rep. Sadly for people to take her seriously she should be completely loyal, well behaved, soft spoken like Johnny appeared to look like. Regardless of the truth I hope she can move on like Johnny did and stop receiving hate. It reached a disproportionate amount - i've seen people that commited far worse crimes and didn't receive 5% of the hate she currently is getting. It's messed up and honestly I think it has strong roots in internalized misoginy.

  • I think both were abusive, and though I admit Depp looks like a much more nicer and friendly guy than Amber, he always had the advantage of being a man, older, richer and more famous than her, so he still was in a bigger position of power than her with or without the abuse. Amber just happened to not be the martyr type of victim, she actually had plenty of apparent flaws, and that ruined her rep. Sadly for people to take her seriously she should be completely loyal, well behaved, soft spoken like Johnny appeared to look like. Regardless of the truth I hope she can move on like Johnny did and stop receiving hate. It reached a disproportionate amount - i've seen people that commited far worse crimes and didn't receive 5% of the hate she currently is getting. It's messed up and honestly I think it has strong roots in internalized misoginy.

    O they are not gonna like this

  • I think both were abusive, and though I admit Depp looks like a much more nicer and friendly guy than Amber, he always had the advantage of being a man, older, richer and more famous than her, so he still was in a bigger position of power than her with or without the abuse. Amber just happened to not be the martyr type of victim, she actually had plenty of apparent flaws, and that ruined her rep. Sadly for people to take her seriously she should be completely loyal, well behaved, soft spoken like Johnny appeared to look like. Regardless of the truth I hope she can move on like Johnny did and stop receiving hate. It reached a disproportionate amount - i've seen people that commited far worse crimes and didn't receive 5% of the hate she currently is getting. It's messed up and honestly I think it has strong roots in internalized misoginy.

    And amber got the advantage of being a woman. When the scandal first came out everyone believes amber got abused by johnny and attacked him. If a couple went into trial because one of them was accused of abusing their partner would people more likely to believe that it's a woman or a man who was the abuser? Man obviously cause people don't believe that a man can be abused by a woman. If johnny did what amber did he would get more hate for being a compulsive liar and an abuser.

  • I didn't follow all the details of this case, but I know that fights, conflicts and break ups in a marriage or relationship can get messy, where both sides do things that are questionable.

    Aside from that, there's never any excuse for a man to hit his wife, just like there's never any excuse for a man to have sex with his own wife without her consent.

    As for this case, this should never have been treated as popcorn entertainment by the public, but simply as 1 of the many messy marital dispute and divorce cases that should be left to the involved couple themselves.

  • Johnny Depp fans are more delusional than kpop stans who believe their oppas are virgin.

  • The fact that there's still people supporting AH is absurd. She's a lying abusive bit*h and her actions only set back the me too movement to 20 years ago.

    The only reason she had won in the UK was because his depositions weren't taken into consideration because he was drugging himself at the time, or even then the verdict would've been different.

    Why people can't understand that even women can be abusive ? And this comes from a woman and not a man so don't even try coming against me.

    Same, i'm a woman too and honestly its annoying how some people can't grasp the concept of women being able to be an abuser too

  • it's so fucked up that people proclaim that Johnny got some sort of "justice" now, like there isn't a shit ton of evidence he abused her. Just because she happened to be messy as hell herself doesn't magically erase that. It just shows that women have no chance in the public court unless they're perfect angels, while men can be as messy as Johnny has been proven to be and still have millions of people defending his every move.

    this trial was a travesty, the way people were so hungry for tik tok and instagram soundbites that outlets had to start doing fact checks on the popular narratives tells you enough. She's now demonised to an extent he never was.

  • I suspect that I'm the "number 1 Amber supporter" y'all keep talking about.

    I'm willing to have a conversation with many of you and have even tried to engage with some of you directly. I've asked questions such as, "do you believe X" or "what do you think of X?".

    And you know what?

    Only one person has ever actually tried to counter what I say. The rest are all, "I have my opinion and you have yours", or just straight dismissal of me as a person.

    You can't say that I am unwilling to accept other people's opinions, when I'm not even receiving other people's opinions. All I'm getting is "wAtCh tHe tRiAl" by people who clearly don't understand the concept of peripheral route processing or the idea that evidence supersedes vibes. I've got a fucking job and a life to live, I'm not watching 100s of hours of footage. If there is something you think is pertinent, link me and I'll discuss it. Just like I have linked to transcripts, quoted from judgements, and presented the evidence to back up what I'm saying.

    So what can my conclusion be? That it's you guys that don't want the conversation. You guys that don't want to talk about the evidence. Because the evidence does not support your position, whatsoever. You've based your judgement based on how you feel about the people involved. You don't want any evidence-based challenge to your opinion because you know it cannot withstand scrutiny.

    The case in favour of Heard is very simple, and specialist misinformation debunker Michael Hobbs lays it out as clear as day:

    In conversation with Michael Hobbes from the "You're Wrong About" podcast
    "To me, political correctness is just the same thing as cancel culture with a couple of the particulars swapped out."

    There is no cogent counter-narrative to this that isn't a conspiracy theory. NY Times, The New Yorker, Vice, The Cut, The Guardian, Time, The Independent, Vogue, The Washington Post, Slate, The BBC, Variety and Australia's ABC have all published negative coverage of Depp and the outcome of this trial.

    I can't find respected journalists or news sources in Depp's favour whatsoever. Nobody believes in his hoax conspiracy theory except weirdos on tiktok. Do you guys believe it? I don't know, I've asked you, and you guys just don't answer. Do you believe Amber cut off his finger? I dunno. I've asked you, and you guys just don't answer. Do you believe his version of the Boston plane event? I dunno, I've asked you, and you guys just don't answer.

    And ftr, I absolutely will believe the evidence. Evidence away Sherlock, but preferably not in anons like some kind of fucking wimp.

  • Lollol wrong link

    The bleak spectacle of the Amber Heard-Johnny Depp trial
    How a washed-up celebrity, men’s rights activists and true crime stans convinced millions of Americans to buy into a conspiracy theory

  • I don't even have to love Johnny Depp to know that the woman was lying.

    She took all kinds of recreational drugs herself but she demonized him for being an addict.

    Also, no one who is in your best interests would drink alcohol in front of you when you're trying to get sober.

    The way she sounded on those tapes. She was openly gaslighting him. A trait of an abuser. Then that clip with her eating whatever she was eating while recounting all the times Johnny Depp supposedly abused her. Sis looked very nonchalant, dusting off the crumbs.

    I'm no body language reader but I know what hurt looks like. She was bored.

    Finally if any man was caught on tape in court admitting to hitting a woman not punching them. They would immediately lose and be called an abuser for the rest of their lives. Men are held to different standards. Just like amber's lawyer said. They would win if there is any proof that Johnny hit her at least once. But sis can get away with explaining what a punch and a hit was AND get defended? Damn.

  • I didn't follow all the details of this case, but I know that fights, conflicts and break ups in a marriage or relationship can get messy, where both sides do things that are questionable.

    Aside from that, there's never any excuse for a man to hit his wife, just like there's never any excuse for a man to have sex with his own wife without her consent.

    As for this case, this should never have been treated as popcorn entertainment by the public, but simply as 1 of the many messy marital dispute and divorce cases that should be left to the involved couple themselves.

    What about woman hitting their husband and cheating on them lol?

  • Exactly!

    I don’t think I could have said this in better words than you did right now.

    And the «my dog stepped on a bee» comment from her made every move of her seem like watching a comedy. I took every word from both seriously at the start, but when it showed that amber had been lying for so long, it really weirded me out.

    It’s just not fair that in the start, people took amber’s side and dismissed the fact that everyone is innocent until proven guilty.

    The last part is what I wanted to say in the thread so bad, but which knew I would face lots of critisism for, so thanks for telling the truth. When it comes to cases of violence, I have seen way too many times where the man is not believed, and then it turns out he was innocent in the end. It’s mindblowing to me as well that amber heard gets defended when she literally herself admitted to hitting him AND told Johnny Depp that «he will never be believed».

    Often, when people don’t believe the man, it’s not always a concious move, because sadly lots of people are raised to belive it’s «impossible for men to be abused» and «men live the perfect life». But that’s not true, no one has a perfect life. There is lots of unfairness towards women, but I think that many people don’t quite get that men does have unfairness in many aspects too. We really need to change that mindset we’re told in our childhood asap.

    Same, i'm a woman too and honestly its annoying how some people can't grasp the concept of women being able to be an abuser too

    Thank you so much for believing him!

    There’s some people that say «all women support amber heard» but honestly that’s terribly wrong. Majority of people no matter gender stands with Johnny on this and i’m so glad for that.

    Well, considering this is a site where I have talked to lots of people claiming that «men live the perfect life and can’t be abused», it doesn’t surprise me to see people defending how amber has been acting towards him. I just wanted to tell those people that, for men that has been going through what Johnny has, life is simply far from perfect. I mean, no one’s life is perfect.

    It’s such a pity that people still have such a mindset, because unfortunately both genders will start to hate each other for no reason :/

    Humans need to love, care, and believe in each other.

    By the way, just to inform the people thinking johnny supporters are misogynistic, if I ever see someone blaming all women for what amber heard has done i’ll lose faith in everybody once again. That’s not the right thing to do at all, so I just wanted to say that’s not johnny’s supporters goals, not even close. I am ashamed of the people saying that. The goal is to show the whole world that amber has in fact been doing this for so long, and made up false stuff.

    As for the comments from other amber supporters here, I will unsurprisingly say that I strongly disagree with these comments, but I apprieciate that you’re brave enough to stand up for what you think.

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