Troublemaker VS Now

  • Troublemaker VS Now 29

    1. Troublemaker (14) 48%
    2. Now (15) 52%

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    For me personally, Now :eyes:

  • Why not cut the vocals and let the music do the talking?

    Trouble Maker [Instrumental]

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    I lean towards Trouble Maker because it's danceable. Kind of hard to mess up a good Pop/Funk loop (see/hear what I mean below). I can't fake like when the song changes (Hyuna's rap part and the bridge) these are moments to forget either.

    Now [Instrumental]

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    The static/repetitive guitar riff drones on after a while and kills my enjoyment of this track. The strings sound nice over the percussion though.

    Edited once, last by DMV2DMZ ().

  • Interesting, I always liked Now instrumental more :/

  • Well he peaked in Troublemaker imo

    IDK, I liked his new music, even though Cube did jack all to promote it.

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    let's be friends


  • IDK, I liked his new music, even though Cube did jack all to promote it.

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    True, I remember liking this song

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