Posts by ohohcollinBB

    No one is a victim until anything is proven to be true, which is the case for all of the bullying allegations by the accusers now

    I literally said that everything is in the open. This thread I created doesnt name any case in specific, its about the general conclusion of how a lot of victim shaming is happening so often. This discussion isnt ebout any specific case thats going on right now, because none is proven yet.

    Threads like "should people be excused for something they did in high school" go off of the assumption of someone who is already guilty. And in those threads a lot of indirect perpetrator shielding is going on.

    Please read a little more thoroughly the next time you reply.

    That people really go out of their way to find arguments in favor of the perpetrators.

    No Im not saying I believe all those current allegations blindly. Im not saying that people who spread false allegations should not be punished with all the severity there is.

    Im just saying that most of the threads I currently see are

    "should people be punished for something they did in highschool"

    "why would people go after someone who did them wrong years ago, why cant they just let it go?"

    Things like that. Its rarely threads of people actually not indirectly shielding the perpetrator and saying something in favor of the victim. Why do we create" should xxx be forgiven" threads instead of "I hope victim xxx is feeling better" threads?

    Its the same as the people who ask why people who live in households with domestic abuse just dont leave. Why they dont change their life? Why would people commit suicide? Why are girls wearing miniskirts if they dont want to be raped?

    Its kind of so annoying to see how many people often put more blame on the victims be it directly or indirectly and not even the actual people at fault. Its even more sickening to see how many people are ready to excuse someone right away even after they where so wrong.

    And often the excuse is "we should not ruin their career". Like idk man but the way I see it someone who is proven guilty ruined it with their own hands. None of us has some kind of contractual obligation to keep on stanning any of them forever. You are not ruining their career if you distance yourself from them because you dont have the duty to support them. I mean if you really love them keep on going. But then your argument isnt not ruining their career but its just you loving them despite whatever they did. The argument not ruining someone's career in itself standing on its own honestly doesn't make sense.

    Yeah honestly it often feels like this whole world is acting in favor of the bad people and not the other way around. Really sad how much victim shaming happens even today.

    I mean... like, if they were torturing kittens or something, then they’re probably a sociopath and shouldn’t be in the public eye.

    But, honestly, I think if you can look into your past and say you’ve never done anything stupid or malicious either accidentally or otherwise, then you’re either a saint or deluded. It is pretty terrifying to me that as a society we might be moving towards always penalising people for what they were like as an actual child. I am totally different to how I was as 25, let alone 14 or 15. I don’t know anyone I knew then who hasn’t changed dramatically. The process of growing up, by its very nature, is making mistakes and doing stupid things and learning from them how to be a better human.

    I would call a mistake something that does not go against the right of another person. Bullying is abuse of another person and its done intentionally and very willingly. Calling it a my opinion thats playing down the severity of the situation. Ofc it depends on the degree of the bullying and how long it was going on and yes some things might be excusable bcs of maturity and age. Some other things are often so severe that its just not right to excuse them in my opinion. No matter how old a person is, they should be self aware enough that driving their victim into mental illness and possible suicide consideration by extreme bullying...I just cant imagine that even a 13 year old would not realise thats wrong. Back when I was 13, I was most definitely mature enough to know thats definitely not right. Sadly some people dont care and kids still die from bullying in 2021. I dont think we should look at every case as black and white. Some cases might be excusable. Some others definitely not.

    Saying past is past is like saying that someone who killed someone 10 years ago and wasnt caught should just be living on like normal.

    Ofc it depends on how bad it was and I would just disregard stupid shit a lot of teenagers do sometimes which is not severe. Also things people did under 11/12 because most of them dont fully understand yet.

    But if you bullied someone severely for them to develop major problems during the bullying and years after, maybe even considering suicide or wishing to transfer? All while you where old enough to know way better? Then I dont even care if it was 25 years ago, you have to pay for that shit.

    Someone who tortures someone to the point where they develop mental problems and might even kill themselves doesnt deserve to live a happy bubbly life. Why do you all care for the career of such people? They are trash. Most people like that dont actually change, they just learn to be more discreet. And even the few who do, they are still trash. Good that they changed, but at some point of their life they seriously scared another person for years to come, killing them slowly every day. What kind of sane person would do that? And why would such a person actually deserve forgiveness if they didnt go out of their way in some way to earn it?


    I doubt I would be a good bully victim or any fun to abuse. People would either get "are you stupid?" looks from me or a fist right into their face lol

    Although I must say that back in kindergarten none of the kids played with me because I was the weird one, but I would not call it bullying because at that time I genuinely didnt want to have anything to do with those hoes myself. I was more grateful for getting all the toys for myself xD

    The first few might have actually have some truth in them, most of the others are probably just people being absolute jerks and assholes trying to have some "fun" and ruin other people's lives. Thw sad thing is, most real bullying exposures after this wont be taken seriously after this for quite some time. Its not only the accusation of innocent people but it also makes it very difficult now for actual bullying victims to be taken seriously. Really annoying and toxic whats going on right now.

    I was really a bad kid in kindergarten. Everytime somebody in class annoyed me, I just swat them in the face with my open palm. Mother had to come to school a couple times because of this penchant.

    So I can't be an idol? How far does the bullying canceling go back? I want to know before I embark on this journey, financially and wholeheartedly. I don't want to become a big pop star and then everything I worked for and have it taken away because somebody stole my crayons in elementary.

    Sorry, but you sound like a dick.

    To answer, I would cancel someone who was proven to have bullied someone for a prolonged period of time and not just some light stuff, from around age 13. Before that, yeah I guess kids can be shitheads and they dont understand some stuff. But 13...if I look back at me being that age I was definitely self aware enough of my actions towards others. If someone still decides to abuse someone at that age being completely aware of what they do, doing it for their own fun? Fuck you and bye. I dont give a fuck about giving second chances to people who deny and start apologizing when they cant get out of it anymore while they hoped to bury that part of themselves forever. Such people dont deserve second chances. Apologizing when being caught is too late.

    Yall will yell at me I know, but honestly in most cases I dont believe in second chances.

    Fuck I had such a shitty childhood and didnt even think for one second in my life of bullying someone. And then people come up with their "these children probably live in an abusive household or are emotionally neglected" excuses. Yeah. So so many people living shitty lives can control themselves and then there are those who cant and we are supposed to give them a second chance? Then they can keep on living their life of glitz and glam, earn their money and be loved by millions? Because they where caught and said sorry one time? Because lets be honest, majority of those people just bury that part of their life until someone digs it up again. If its proven that you where a bully, then fuck you. You willingly abused a person for such a long period of time and the victims will probably have to live with some of the consequences forever. Some scars will never be able to heal fully.

    For me its genuinely by choice. I havent met someone I would actually want to be together with. And getting together with someone just for the sake of not being single sounds absolutely tiring. Im sure it would not be very hard to find someone, Im pretty good looking and Im not boring I guess. But picking just anyone? Idkkk man

    Plus I am ehhh Im kinda not horny lol.

    I will never believe that there is even a single country in this world where bullying isnt a thing, sorry. If you havebt seen it happen, it does not mean it doesnt exist

    I havent experienced bullying in any form, but I would simply assume its an act of dominance most of the time for the most part. Why does domestic violence happen? Why do some parents beat their children? I think its mostly just a control thing. Where people think they are above you for that one moment and that makes them feel good. The same reason why apes in rhe zoo have a set hierarchy. Someone wants to be at the top and for that they must put someone at the bottom.

    An animator, filming documentaries particularly about food, travel, nature, book author or screenwriter for movies are some things that seem like something I can imagine being very fulfilling. I study something entirely different in college though. Maybe I will attempt one of those with small steps after Im done with my "safe degree"

    Today I thought that we possibly live in a simulation and not base reality and the beings who actually live in base reality created countless simulations in order to test which simulation will most effectively solve an environmental crisis, for them to copy it on their own planet. And now we are the worst performing simulation of all (australia, trump doing some unexplainable crap, covid...etc) and they think of shutting us down. Lol