Posts by SleepingGiant
Some context allot of the Theories I am seeing have missed is that the Father left Yeonjung's mother as well
And the scene where Yeonjung has the Lockett with the Mothers picture strongly infers that she died at some point between then and that Jungyeon and her brother loved her, so i think it is fair to say they had difficult Lives after the Father abandoned them
And since Yeonjung is in the same School/Class as Doeun they must be very similar ages which means the Father already had that Second Family when he left and simply chose them over Yeonjungs family
Would have made seeing him so Happy with his new Family sting that little bit more for Yeonjung
They lived a life of hardship and misery whilst the Father who had done them so much harm got to live the Happy fulfilling Life they were denied, they needed him to suffer as much as they had, so they targeted the one thing he clearly loved and had chosen over them
I think that adds a little more context as to how these Siblings could have done something so objectively horrible
(Still clearly Villains though just Sympathetic ones)
So her and the girl with bang are one person??
I need to rewatch it over again
The Black Haired Girl is Yeonjung, she both has and doesn't have Bangs in different scenes, the ones where she doesn't are the timeline wise older flashback ones (like her seeing her Father with new Family/and the one you posted where she goes to her brother crying)
The ones where she does have bangs are the Timeline wise current ones (at the School, Filming Doeun jump off the Building)
not to be confused with the Brown Haired Girl who always has Bangs she is Doeun
Hope that clears it up
who is she in the story?
That is Yeonjung, the scenes aren't in Chronological order for story telling reasons so I will try and put everything in order
She and a Taiwanese actor named Tseng Jinghua portray Siblings whose Father abandoned them and their Mother (who later died) when they were very Young
Many years later, Yeonjung whilst walking home from a Cafe sees her Father with a New Family Happily greeting his new Daughter (played by Doeun)
She then goes to her Brothers House in tears and the two of them devise a plan for revenge against their Father by targeting the thing that makes him happy his new Daughter
Jinghua then "saves" Doeun from a staged attack from Yeonjung's friends in an underground walkway, to gain Doeun's trust and start a romantic relationship with her and exploiting that by taking compromising photo's of her
They then posted those photos online for the entire school to see to embarrass and alienate her from her friends and others at school, as a result of this Bullying Doeun goes to the Building Top to commit suicide where Yeonjung records her jumping off the building
Jinghua then takes the phone from Yeonjung and sends the Video recording of Doeun jumping off the Building to their Father as a final act of revenge
The ending overlaps the chronological first and final scenes of the Siblings as children crying and chasing after their Fathers Car to them now recording/sending Doeun's suicide to their Father to the words "how could you be so Cold" applying to both scenes
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blown away by Young Posse again
Moka and Chiquita I think, still fairly new groups so they aren't completely set in stone to me yet
E.JI is my favorite ICHILLIN member
They have had a few Good Songs, I really liked their Debut, and first comeback yet strangely didn't even really notice E.JI back then, they gave her Strong hair colors (deep red, bright purple) which I personally don't think really suited her, I remember back then I liked Joonie and Sohee (former) the most, now it's E.JI and Yeju
External Content embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.External Content embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.some other Songs I liked from them
External Content embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.External Content embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.and their most recent
External Content embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.She was also in a tempory group called Triple IZ with DITA (Secret Number) and Aria (X:IN) from a docuseries? webseries? I don't know what you would call it but it was a Series of Video's on Youtube and they had a Music Video
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lol I am a Dozen into the Video and already got a problem
Eunha is the least Visual member of Viviz? by what Metric?
I know enough about general public sentiment both Korean and Internationally to know that has never been the case with GFriend/Viviz, so this has got to be a personal preference of the uploader thing right?
I really liked "SOS" and I absolutely adore Chanelle but Aran is still my favorite Fifty Fifty member and obviously the OG group has a big edge in terms of Discography so far
I didn't want to like them, wasn't even going to watch/listen to them as a kind of personal boycott because I liked the original 50/50 so much, especially Aran
But then they announced Chanelle was in the lineup, someone who I came to really like throughout RUNext and felt was unfairly maligned by that awful show, so I felt compelled to give them a chance
I Really liked SOS, and now I'm starting to like the other members and am kinda invested in the Group as a whole now
So that boycott didn't work out too well for me
Love the Song and the music Video was nice too
I think us judging what Generation a group belongs to by their debut date is the problem
A Groups "Generation" should align with the period of time they were at their peak not the date they happened to debut
(G)I-DLE debuted during the Peak of the 3rd Generation of Kpop, but should be remembered as more of a 4th Gen Group
I learned this lesson years ago with UNI.T
You can take some of the most popular members of unpopular groups, put them together and even promote them with a Big Survival Show and the end result is still an unpopular group
As much as I may think certain members of nugu groups are amazing, and I delude myself into thinking that they would have been huge if only due to circumstance, the reality is, if they really had "IT" they would already be famous and wouldn't be going on one of these second chance shows to begin with
The things that make Nana from Woo!Ah! so special in my eyes, clearly do not resonate with the wider audience
missing Limelight already
Another great comeback for Young Posse!
They will never be a Big Kpop Group because they don't really appeal to the masses, but i appreciate that they and their quirky Music Video's exist
I like allot of these songs
La Luna is such an underrated gem
also weren't you the one who recommended me Starry Night (Fanatics)?, surprised it didn't make your expanded Favorites list, one of my absolute favorites of the 4th gen
Well if it wasn't you, I recommend you give it a listen sometime, probably not everyone's cup of tea, but definitely vibes with me
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Really didn't like them calling up 3 potentials and announcing the other 2 in succession
Just unnecessarily cruel to Fuko
Why couldn't they just call up Saebi and Mai and then put them both in, far different dynamic you don't reject Fuko the extra 2 times especially when at 20 years old this was probably her last real chance in the Ageist Kpop Industry