I'm a man, and we are all one.
K. Shut up.
I'm a man, and we are all one.
K. Shut up.
Oh, I don't know her. But interested. Is she JPOP?
No. Kenyan celebrity.
yeah and her voice doesn't help either because if she act cute saying that people will just laugh it off...
now they will just think that she's a girl with attitude problems
race and gender please
What is it
Tracy Wanjiru is a better standard for idols
Way to enforce negative “aGgrESsiVe” or “stROnGk BlaCk wOMen” stereotypes
Yes, I am mad.
“SHe’S juSt bEinG HErseLf” lol shut up.
She JUST debuted and is now showing very well known negative stereotypical tendencies as if us black women don’t suffer enough from these assumptions. You may think it’s not a big deal from the surface, but she is leaving an impression that is subconsciously noted.
And the fact that she is the “rapper” of the group.... that says a lot LOOOOL
Y’all are so sanctimonious it’s disgusting. Time and a place.
woonyoung too skinny
You are weird as fuck
Leean you have to get your free badge before the end of the month
BADGE REQUEST (FIRST FREE) - Ends January 31st.
ilysm rippies
The man is just wearing mittens. There’s no punchline and ion like that.
Hopefully!!! g@w% $3\/e|\| were a hindrance!!! Stray Kids got that IT factor!
THEY LOOK NOTHING ALIKE. Y’all just say that because they have the same last name + SOMEWHAT similar eyes. They BOTH even states in their trainee days they never once heard they looked alike up until they debuted and kpop fans started reaching.
Don’t get me wrong, I like Yeji, she is beautiful as fuck, but please I beg of y’all. Cut the bullshit!