Itzy actually had a few bops this album. Most of their previous releases weren’t really my thing, but I really enjoyed this comeback
Posts by KiSpirits
Early morning like 4am to 8am and late at night. It’s nice and quiet. I don’t care very much for everything in between lol
Neither of the songs did it for me, sadly. I found them to be bland and lackluster. Which is a shame since I was looking forward to her solo the most.
If he was, do people honestly think he would flippantly come out on an IG live? Lol. Unfortunately, his livelihood hangs in the balance if he were to answer yes.
Neither of them radiate stage presence to me tbh
Her stylist snapped for this stage
Hopefully, this normalizes male and female friendships between idols. They are too adorable.
If their friendship happens to progress beyond being platonic, I hope Dispatch never finds out. I really don’t need K-netz bringing up these clips when talking about how “betrayed” they feel lol.
I prefer listening to music and watching their performances. It heavily depends on what type of Kpop fan that I’m talking to, if I will enjoy talking about it or not lol.
Saaame lol. I just remember scrolling through YouTube to find these clips
Give me the variety of the 2nd gen. As some others have already said, Kpop is quite boring nowadays compared to the previous generation
I think Jype is still traumatized from the Suzy/Miss A situation lol. Things really must not have ended on good terms between the members or something, because he’s doing everything in his power from keeping Twice solo promoting.
He arguably has multiple members in Twice who could become it girls. Sana in her “Cheer up” era would have reigned supreme, if promoted correctly.
There’s a good chance that all of them are in some type of romantic relationships in one form or another.