ASL had 0% of FiftyFifty and through tampering, he still tried to get 100%. Just because some people rate the chance of something low, doesn’t mean that somebody didn’t attempt a bad deed.
So a completely implausible crime has been accused against MHJ by Hybe and oh look how handy, they don't have to pay her hundreds of millions of dollars now... Yeah but sure, you believe the original accusation.
Casually went back to the first thread on the day this all broke out. Very eye opening now
Hybe levied accusations at min HeeJin with no proof (media campaigns against artists, pressuring parents, leaking contract information, leaking private photos of trainees, leaking medical information etc) and it was enough for users to rally and demand her head on a stake. And for some, it's been a driving force for nearly a year to justify everything done by hybe, even at the expense of others.
Meanwhile, Hybe has done all of these things. In the public eye. To NJZ. And yet that's not good enough reason for them to leave to those same some.
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I know, exactly this and this is why I've always felt that every single accusation has been a complete load of cow fertilizer from day 1. I've tried so hard and so many times to explain this and with evidence, citations to the law, logical reasoning and hell I'll even resort to smoke signals at this point... But the problem isyou can lead a moron to knowledge but you can't make them any smarter.
And again all the arguments in HOW they did it are just hilariously wrong too. I've covered this in depth, Yama and Daisy have read it. I have literally quoted South Korean statutory law AND case law in showing that terminating a contract due to repduiatory breach of contract is a legal right that the girls have and that it was all executed completely correctly under the terms of their contract and within the bounds of South Korean law.
Simply put. The girls followed their contract terms to the letter and followed every single required procedure to terminate the contract.
Nowyou may argue about the reasons they used to terminate the contract and whether they were valid or not and THAT is why there is now a court case to be had. But make no mistake they followed the required procedures exactly.
Ador in their arrogance simply ignored the girls and were caught with their pants down. YouDON'T do that when you have a contractual obligation deadline. This is almost akin to how a default judgment works.
Anyone even remotely suggesting that the girls would have had to go to court to terminate their contract doesn't know contract law at all and is working under a hugely mistaken belief.
I'm very sure that HYBE was/is aware that MHJ apparently planning a takeover of ador without their consent was not a valid reason to FIRE her. Hence why they didn't.
Why are you accepting the accusations by hybe though? Because frankly that's the one thing I've never understood in this whole thing. I don't even understood why the Judge accepted the premise in the first place to say it may be considered disloyal as it would have been laughed out of every court in the west.
Trying to take over a privately held corporation where 80% of the stocks are owned by the other party isn't possible. There is NO plan on earth that could make it possible. Everyone and their dog seems to accept it that she did try it but or some other ludicrous suggestion but she even said so herself at her press conf. "What are they talking about? I only own 18% of the company? Hybe owns 80% how could I take it over?"
Why has no one ever tried to answer that question? BECAUSE THERE ISN'T AN ANSWER THAT EXISTS UNDER HEAVEN OR EARTH!
I've never accepted the accusation or the premise of the accusation full stop. Why do you accept it? Why do you believe Hybe?
A hostile takeover is when an acquiring company attempts to take over a target company against the wishes of the target company's management.
An acquiring company can achieve a hostile takeover by going directly to the target company's shareholders or fighting to replace its management.
That means HYBE ITSELF would have to give away 31% of their OWN ownership stake in Ador to make that happen. WHAT? HOW?
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H: First of all, the reason why we started this urgent press conference is about the correction request that we sent. And the deadline for that. The deadline is at midnighttonight, and while todays business hours are over Hybe and current Ador management, they have not showed any willingness to hear or address our requests.
M: Yes. Following on the exclusive contract will be terminated from midnight on the 29th.
The number of times I've seen companies and trades unions hold press conferences after close of business and before the day is up announce "Well we're going to be at the deadline and the negotiations haven't worked out, so by midnight tonight..."
So saying they ended their contract early by press conference is factually incorrect. In fact everything they did in the press conference was legally procedurally correct. Every i was dotted, every t was crosssed.
I can find zero fault in the procedural steps they took to execute the contract termination.
I am NOT saying the reasons they had for the termination are valid. I am merely saying the process was executed 100% correctly.
So if I put myself in their shoes, I see zero timelines where I wouldn't also ride or die with the people who helped me achieve my dreams, not the company that treated me like an opp even though my success should be seen as their success.
I just hate the narrative that NJZ are mindless puppets following directives.
Absolutely I've seen many young footballers/soccer players/athletes with highly influential coaches and managers who have mentored them for years being treated just like MHJ, they've called them father figures in their lives and they would have gone to hell and back for them.
I simply don't understand how anyone cannot see the obvious parallels here.
I do have a question to the people asking "Where is MHJ?" Why? What do youexpect her to do right now? I'm genuinely curious as to what you expect her to do right this second....
The problem with the structure of Hybe, that seemingly blurs lines between what is separate, and what is not.
500% this. The fact that so many executives of Hybe are also dual hatting as executives of the labels makes the entire situation ripe for accusations of favouritism and etc.
The gist of the argument is that it is impossible to confirm workplace bullying based solely on the submitted materials of the complainant.
So there was zero actual investigation because the ministry did not actually have any investigational powers at all but relied 100% on what the complainanet could provide vs what Ador said.
Also what's up with people treating every court decision as a gospel and try to align their opinion with it and call for others to do the same?
Y'all need to familiarize yourself with OJ Simpson and Menendez Brother's cases. And as far as I am concerned, Korean judiciary is among worst. SK is basically oligarchy ruled by chaebols, you think workers ever win lawsuits against their employees there?
Be fucking serious, it's a country known for people dying from overwork, of course the courts that allow that would allow whatever "minor inconvenience" NJZ went through. Fuck anyone who aligns with such system, especially the ones who do so over a Kpop battle. Workers rights is a much bigger issue than your grievance with NJZ over occupying the 16th or whatever the fuck floor that was.
While I wouldn't go as far as you I do tend to agree that an independent judiciary, a police force that actually does their job and so on... Well there is a reason why less than half the people in Korea trust the courts or the police or the government or government ministries...
It's definitely not about the song. It's about the whole persona of illit during their debut especially their debut pictorial. People mistaken them for newjeans. It is another story when it comes from competitor,like cola and pepsi, but it came from same sister company. why would you do that as parents ? If intention just to saturate kpop with the same trend and gain more money from copying NJ trend, it's eventually will damaging the uniqueness of newjeans brand.the initial complaint was to criticise Hybe business decision to their sublabels. But as onion peeled, their feud already started before illit things, and parents and MHj just fed up with it.
And actually MHJ would have been required to complain about this as part of her fiduciary duties as a CEO of Ador, because it could be argued that Belifts actions were in effect diluting the brand value of newjeans and also an attempt at cannibalising Adors sales.
I think there's a nugget of truth in them, but not trying to find backers to buy it. I believe that the relationship between her and BSH broke down that badly she wanted to poach them from Ador.
You know funnily enough that accusation is actually NOT a breach of trust for the CEO.... I know this might seem backwards but hear me out.
The CEO of Ador tells you, hey guys I've found buyers for Ador, from the initial $15m USD seed money you gave us, after 2 years these dudes want to pay us $500m USD (fair market value) for it.
The CEO has a fiduciary duty to try and maximise profits for ALL shareholders. This includes also potentially finding buyers.
This means all of a sudden a giant massive payday only after 2 years of investment? There better be a good reason why the CEO of Ador didn't come to us with this amazing offer. Hell it could even be considered a breach of the fiduciary duty of the chairman of hybe to NOT accept such an offer.
This is why from a finance perspective the accusation left me going "ummm uhhh what??????????"
Before people come at me and say "Well this plan was stupid because MHJ is a creative." Fair, that is one way to look at it, but to me but the counterpoint is if Hybe had hired real auditors to check this shit out then they would have said "This is a stupid plan, it doesn't make sense." But instead they ran with it as an accusation, why?
She probably was mad, as BSH managed to make a hit with a GG that he'd been wanting to for years. I believe that he wanted to produce for NewJeans, but she refused (which really would've pissed him off). I think if ILLit were from a different company, that isn't under Hybe, there would've been no complaint. I'd be more annoyed that my presentation for NewJeans debut were used an altered by Belift (which I still don't understand how they got their hands on).
the CEO of Belift labs is also the Chief Operating Officer of Hybe I'll leave you to work out the rest.
With regards to "not trusting MHJ" I'm a little confused and genuinely curious here. Is this because you agree with the original accusations leveled against her? Because to me honestly they never made any sense at all.
Just chiming in here — got a little bit of experience in these things. That’s actually not IT, but AV. If you’re in that world, you would know the difference. Unless you work in a corporate office environment? Which in this case these type of things still wouldn’t fall in your remit.
You’re talking about changing not just Pixel size to add more font to the graphics on a large format display but also rendering and timing on an LED wall with custom graphics.
Mapping on an LED wall properly is a skill the elite have.
It’s not an easy lift. This was rendered obviously with a graphic artist, preprogrammed with a graphics op, then run through the video engineer to switch in the screen.
Prior to that, you deal with changes in the SOW, go through a C/O process prior to this work starting.
Let’s not dismiss the lift it takes to do this because of a bias.
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Thank god someone else understands, also AV was cut for the timing and beat of the track too.
32 seconds · Clipped by hangfire · Original video "NJZ - Pit Stop + closing speech (Live@ Complexcon Hong Kong 2025) Fancam" by GMCorchestra
As you can see the entire intro AV component with track was made and it's 32 seconds long. It's all pre-rendered with the NJZ branding.
To further reinforce your excellent point. Now we're going from NJZ text and the Heart Graphics and having to redesign it all, then fit it into the 3D models for the first 9 second segment using blender, so the 3D guy has to work that, then the graphic designer has to work the other 13 seconds and redo all the text and make sure the timing is set with the audio sync properly. Then the editor comes in to stitch it all together and do another sound pass to make sure the graphic designer and 3D guys didn't mess up on their sound pass. This is now passed over to the Complexcon video engineers who have to all of a sudden do all this extra work... Or they can shrug and just say "Nah this is impossible given the time constraints we've got."
But didnt they had more than one day between the court decision and the performance? And how does writing njz or new Jeans on their legs need more than one day? Editing the name in a video in the background will need minutes or hours not days. Avoiding to introduce themself with the groups name and let the host use njz is also not impossible to change.
We dont need to fool people saying this wasnt avoidable and is not done on purpose.
ok so here you are genius, you're a Korean wardobe stylist etc etc ok? You're now in Hong Kong. BTW That's a different city in a different country where they speak a different language. Lets imagine you flew out of incheon midday the same time as the judgement, that's 3.5-4 hour flight from Incheon to HKIA. It's Friday afternoon now 4-5pm when you land. Then it's Saturday.
You have maybe a day in a foreign city where you speak Korean and they speak Cantonese Chinese to find and source 5 new pairs of custom printed tights. Looks like they're all wearing custom printed tights here.
You're the performance director of NJZ, you have Saturday to source a new 4K render of the background video and imagery changing NJZ to Newjeans where possible and well I dunno also come up with a new bunny logo merch too.
Come on, if it's so fucking easy then tell us how you'd do it? Well genius?
Brand new T-shirts, Powerbanks, Pens, Pins, A4 files, Stickers etc... Well? Don't you have all of the right contacts at your fingertips? I mean it's easy according to you so why can't you change all of this on Saturday and Sunday morning, you know the fucking weekend...
Someone fucking save me from jobless losers who think they're smartenough to play gotcha.
The reason I'm so aggressive is because only the most jobless of losers would think those 2 days which are A FUCKING WEEKEND I MIGHT POINT OUT is somehow enough time for people to pull shit out of their arse for a last minute changeover.
But didnt they had more than one day between the court decision and the performance? And how does writing njz or new Jeans on their legs need more than one day? Editing the name in a video in the background will need minutes or hours not days. Avoiding to introduce themself with the groups name and let the host use njz is also not impossible to change.
We dont need to fool people saying this wasnt avoidable and is not done on purpose.
How do you tell the world you've got fuck all idea of what you're talking about without telling the world you've got fuck all idea of what you're talking about?
So here I go again once more from the top for the idiots in the classroom.
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1. you want them to redo all the opening stage graphics for the giant video wall on a fucking saturday
I can't believe you people are so fucking petty and too stupid to even look at a fucking calendar and rub those singular fucking braincells together to think how this situation might not have enough time to change over so easily.
what does that mean Hiakuryu since you seem to know something lol
like does that mean that are refraining from cfs?? what of cf deals entered into as "NJZ" or under ADOR? can advertisers sue the members for breaching their contracts? can they sue ADOR since as of right nor technically ADOR is the label for NJZ???
does hiatus mean that they will not comply with anything from ADOR? like if ador tries to get them new deals or new music etc?
what of social media are they going to stop posting on their official NJZ/jeanzforfree - what of the parents SNS but I don't think that applies right since they are a third party and not subject of the injunction???
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So the issue is manifold.
I'll try to lay this out as cleanly as possible but it comes with a lot of caveats and sortas and maybes
2. The brands could have some space claiming a breach if they signed up for NJZ and are now stuck with this but it seems unlikely to me as the space of umm that only a few months between them terminating and the recent preliminary injunction wouldn't leave much time if any to hammer out new brand deals and contracts.
3. Well I mean the injunction is only stopping them from acting as independent agents IT IS NOT ABSOLUTELY NOT forcing them to work with Ador. So Ador can't make them do shit.
4. Their own NJZ/Jeanzforfree stuff is basically going to be prohibited unless because using it would be them acting independently.
5. The parents stuff has got fuck all to do with it and they can post anything they want.
But here's the INTERESTING question. The song pit stop right? It was donecompletely without Adors input right? It was performed just once, the interest in the song is huge if comments from other posters in this thread are to be believed, I don't know could be could not be... but Ador doesn't have ANY rights over it. If Ador tries to profit of it, then guess what happens? They have to pay the girls for it.
Nnow here's the interesting niggle. Ador HAS sorta tried to profit from it already... How? By them saying "Hey the Complexcon performance is happening under Ador with NEWJEANS"...
Stage costumes, graphics and merch aren't easy changes to make with 1days notice.
They didn't refer to themselves as any group name and made a point of it. That's all that matters
but the Karens insist on it being a big deal and you know what Karens are like... We all have to agree or they start demanding to see the managers/mods/admins
I read that the girls used NJZ for this last performance, would this be in direct violation of the court order which mentioned and asked them to stop doing so?
At most it'd be a very minor one, with not much if any consequence... The girls/promoters etc etc everyone could just say "Well how'd youexpect us to change the banners and merch and everything else at the last minute? Also we'd practiced and trained for weeks/months doing everything and we did an oopsie when we said NJZ instead of Newjeans".
What's the court going to do exactly?
In specific the injunction happened on the 21st then ComplexCon peformance happens on the 23rd.
1. Activities as a musician, such as writing, composing, performing, and singing, as well as broadcast appearances and event hosting activities accompanying it
1. An entirely reasonable and plausible excuse can be given
I wonder if this is because it's just an injunction, so they don't have that much time to review everything and they might just focus on the obvious things, or if it's directly the judges being (or acting?) too innocent...
Yes, this. Generally preliminary injunction hearings are no longer than a week or two at the very most. The oral arguments are going to be very abbreviated and quite short because of the nature of the prelim. So you have to just throw in as much as you can in the time you're given (not much time).
ADOR may yet pull something that the effect you suggest but for the time being they are not returning to work. The injunction doesn't and can't force them too.
Agreed. I've just read the judgement and the language is very specific.
This is the conclusion and the text, I highlighted the appropriate parts and included a translation.
3. 23.경 독자적으로 해외콘서트에 참여하여 신곡을 발표할 예정인 것으로 보이는 점 등 기록에 의하여 소명되는 여러 사정을 고려하면, 본안판결에 앞 서 주문 기재와 같은 가처분을 발령할 필요성도 소명된다.
3. Considering the various circumstances explained by the records, such as the fact that they are expected to independently participate in overseas concerts and release new songs on the 23rd. The necessity of issuing a preliminary injunction is clear prior to the judgment on the main issue.
그렇다면 이 사건 신청은 각 이유 있으므로 이를 모두 인용하기로 하여, 주문과 같이 결정한다.
5. Conclusion
The application for this case is hereby cited for each reason and is decided as ordered.
판사 김상훈(재판장) 장천수 오준석
Judge Kim Sang-hoon (Presiding Judge) Jang Cheon-su Oh Jun-seok
1. 작사·작곡·연주·가창 등 뮤지션으로서의 활동 및 그에 부수하는 방송출연, 행사 진행 등의 활동.
1. Activities as a musician, such as writing, composing, performing, and singing, as well as broadcast appearances and event hosting activities accompanying it.
2. 광고계약의 교섭·체결, 광고모델로서의 광고출연이나 본인의 대중문화예술인의 지 위·인기에 기반한 상업적인 활동. 끝.
2. Negotiation and conclusion of advertising contracts, appearance of advertising as an advertising model, or commercial activities based on the status and popularity of one's own pop culture artists. End.
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So there is literally nowhere in the judgement ANYWHERE did I read that the injunction is forcing the girls back to Ador, but instead merely a preventative measure on them continuing activities as independent agents because doing so could damage Ador permanently until the court date happens. The judge also does not prevent Newjeansfrom appealing this decision.
At least to me and my reading of the judgement. This is a very important distinction imo. One that is obviously going to be glossed over by people who have a vested interest in spinning the answer more favourably or more alarmingly in various directions.
So, you just read and understood nothing? Did you seriously believe Ador's chairperson did not listen/read the decision of the court that Ador's rep stated "The court has confirmed our status as the agency of Newjeans."
I'm going to presume that the Ador rep is going to portray and spin the narrative in the best light possible. That you're this naieve and can't even understand that basic point and insist on going off half cocked on secondary sources rather then being patient and waiting for the primary source speaks volumes.
It's like people just say stuff and then....I don't even know if it's true
And when I said "someone told me this" or "i read this somewhere" people be saying I made shit up or remember wrongly or it's fake news
Like yeah I googled or searched twitter. But obviously a tweet made by a tokki will be biased towards NJs. A tweet by a hybe stan will be biased towards HYBE
Where is the actual tea the actual results the thing that actually matters because legally the only shit that matters is the court decision and what was mentioned