I can see why MHJ is a bit thrown off/angry by the accusation that she's trying to squash a fellow woman in the work place.
If I'm reading this right, Employee A was the highest paid Ador employee or at the very least, one of the highest salaries.
So MHJ gave someone very young and a woman an extraordinary opportunity, but there was a catch.
The employee had to produce, and production/result seems to be the only thing that matters in the eyes of MHJ. She treats both gender poorly if they don't perform well.
Min HeeJin's first statement and the one she made now has been framing this whole situation as if the employee was weaponizing sexual harassment to get out of doing her job and people are shocked the employee is angriest with her?????
Hybe said MHJ didn't take it seriously and shielded that creep, and attacked the victim and her own statements are proving that true
The same people going on about how rough it must be for a woman in corporate spaces is shaming a victim who actually suffered being a woman working in a hostile corporate environment. Give me a break
From the receipt that MHJ released, they were supposed to go to a Sichuan restaurant where there would probably be no drinking. However, they had to change plans when they found the restaurant was fully booked for the night. The other restaurant was a meat grilling pub type place.
Executive B notified her beforehand that he would have to leave one hour into the meeting. This happened an hour before the meeting took place. Since Employee A was brought in for a leadership role, Executive B assumed Employee A would be able to handle a meeting with an advertiser that she was in charge of. Yes, she was the one that would have to work with this advertiser since this brand was under her jurasdiction.
Neither Executive B or Advertiser C asked her to drink or pour drinks for them.
Executive B denies calling her a 'young woman'. He said he saw her as an equal. I'm a little bit skeptical about this, but it isn't something that can be proved.
it seems hybe is weaponizing B and her alleged SA against MHJ. another filthy diabolical dirty movefrom hybe . nothing new under the sun really .
Employee B also confirmed that Hybe was the one that leaked the KKT. She said that Hybe didn't ask for her consent. They just called to notify her that the KKT will be in an article.
It seems they actually have the recipes from the restaurants. The meeting finished at 9:30. It didn't go late into the night as the accusation seems to imply and after the director B left, each person paid for the drink they ordered themselves. The advertiser c was interviewed and he said they talked about non work related stuff. He never insisted they drink or the employee pour alcohol.
Also, director B never said 'young woman', so it is a he said/she said situation. He viewed her as an equal irregardless of age since she makes so much money.
People should really stop using the sexual harassment/sexual assault to describe this situation just to dunk on MHJ. It does disservice to the actual victims.
Employee B was recommended by the same person as the one that recommended executive A.
Employee B has 7 years of work experience and despite her age, she was given the highest salary amongst ador workers. The expectation was that she would become a leader.
However, she turned out to be incompetent. So much so that other employees who didn't know her salary had to help her and they thought she was an intern.
MHJ tried to give employee B more chances by putting her under a different executive but incompetence continued.
Then she goes into the sexual harassment case and the discrepancy in the info given. She also pointed out some falsehood in the employee's insta post.
MHJ puting up a strong defense and it may be she is in the right. She put out some recipes too.
I recall that Minji of New Jeans was apparently originally a trainee at SM. It was stated that LSM was so enamoured of her that he wanted to create a girl group around her. So how did she end up at Source? It doesn’t make sense to leave a company as big as SM was at the time to go to a company that was barely staying afloat.
It is probably the same reason as to why Yuqi decided to go to Cube instead of SM. SM is known to have a lot of trainees and like Yuqi, Minji was probably given some form of promise that she'll debut soon.
Good songs are all they need. I think Kpop fans are overestimating how much the general public cares about live performances.
They'll be fine, but I think Hybe pulling back LSFM on social media and media appearances really hurt their momentum. That's the part that the LSFM members excel at.
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I'm pretty sure she knows the right pronunciation of "fake" and the stereotypical dojikko girl acting is too over the top. Japanese women don't act like that in real life. She still hasn't learned her lesson...
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I'm not going to bash a Korean idol from leaning into doing aegyo stuff, so I'm not sure what is wrong for Rei try to play up certain aspects of being Japanese. She's trying to differentiate herself in a group where Wonyoung draws most of the attention.
I think Rei is very intelligent, and she knows what she is doing. You can tell from the quips that she comes up with during variety shows that she has a talent towards humor.
It plays very well with the domestic crowd.
It is why 다나카/Tanaka, who is a Korean playing a Japanese host, has been so popular in the past year. Japanese and Koreans find him amusing, and I doubt they are offended by Rei too.
Sakura from LSFM also talked about playing up a character to get popular during her ABK48 stint.
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I forget which interview, but she mentioned that she was trying to differentiate herself from the other members at the time. That was why she did what she did.
People have just given up posting here in disgust. What is the point of engaging with people who condone bullying and sexual harassment?
With workplace bullying, which is sexual harassment when it is a male in power to female subordinate. There is no grey. It is black or white. You either make up some excuse to condone it or youdon't.
Sexual harassment is a form of bullying, but not all bullying is sexual harassment. This is quite simple to understand, and I'm not sure why you are trying to conflate the two.
It is dishonest.
This is a simple question. What was the sexual component of the bullying? Why did Hybe's HR clear the exec of wrongdoing?
The exec in question left the subordinate with a client, because an emergency came up. He made a sexist/misogynistic comment, and he was in the wrong. However, that isn't sexual harassment unless you are implying that the exec purposefully left the woman there so she can perform sexual favors to the client.
However, HR would have looked into the emergency that came up. I'm guessing his alibi checked out, and the client did nothing towards the female employee.
The bullying accusation came later when the female employee thought the exec was messing with her on purpose.
So why is MHJ being accused of condoning sexual harassment?
Would the previously vocal and present but now mysteriously silent and absent HYBE apologists like to weigh in on the last 48 hours of updates?
I want to see howyou'll yap and spin HYBE leaking footage and medical information of minors, weaponizing sexual assault fraudulently and now getting exposed for conducting their own off the record audit and leaking their "findings"
Honestly, each of you should come in here and apologize. Even if you think MHJ is a calculative and manipulative bitch, the things HYBE have done to attack her are pure evil
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Hybe kinda screwed themselves. They requested a restriction on outsiders viewing the court records. That really limits who would have access to the audit.
[일요신문] 산하 레이블 어도어(ADOR)의 민희진 대표와 경영권 분쟁이 붙은 하이브(HYBE)가 이번엔 내부감사보고서 유출 문제로 곤욕을 치르고 있다. 민 대표...
It seems it wasn't just the KKT that was leaked. It was an audit report containing the KKT that was leaked.
Samil PWC accounting came out and said that's not the audit report that they created, so it must be an internal audit document created by Hybe.
The article states that there is almost zero chance that the Yongsan Police or the court leaked it. That leaves Hybe. Either they have a leak/mole or they released it intentionally to Dispatch. Both scenarios are problematic for Hybe.