Posts by bluetree
Arguing about MHJ and HYBE
honk honk
Goose is elite for that
Bop for me! I was also unsure about it at first, but that’s most likely because I was half asleep listening to it. After I gave it another listen the next day, I found it was amazingly good. Even though it’s not my favorite b-side on tomorrow, it’s definitely a great song I will be listening to a lot
Looks like next year might be the time.
Also, for the Bingo, do we need to play every game?
I have to double check, but if I recall correctly there’s one type of tile that says to just attend one, and then another that says to attend/participate in all available events.
Unfortunately since I wasn’t able to do any sessions yesterday due to my busy schedule, this was supposed to be the day that a session could run. Tomorrow and VDay itself isn’t available for me either
xx-jenn-xx sorry about this. Thank you for joining
Chocolate-cheeks just in case they are available.
When declaring your item description, you may include “game” in your post any way
Players, DMs are sent, and you may start.
ThePhantomThief come play anti-v-day liar game lol
I’ll add in some anti-vday topics, just for you
oh yeah i'm here and stuff
Hey Jenn! Thanks for coming
ouuuu count me innn
Welcome in, thanks for coming!
4 is the mininum.