Posts by BTS-ae-1320
guys he isnt sunshine anymore he is sunset
nauuuuurrrrrrr. he's a fricking storm wrecking ARMYs
It was so fun when he said that
i know right! or "no not never"
To be honest, I'm afraid of his photopholio. Seeing the reaction of the members in that video when they see it, and how wild he seems lately I'm afraid I might die
who exactly are we talking ab? is it mr. jung hoseok??? cause HE MUST BE STOPPED!!!!!!!!!!
i mean sir, why you have to be so hOOOOOOTTTTTTT!
no never ik sugar though
yk justin seagull or pornesian parrapio??
Is he trying to pick me up
like taehyung said "maybe"
Who? I don't know them. Are they good?
immaculate taste right here
song that makes me think some thoughts : uhm bAePsAe.png
im addicted to : im addicted to.png
btw y'all let's support Namjoon!
well my bias wreckers are the rest of SKZ and i think my fave song is 3rd EYE but i guess collab is MIRROR MIRROR and like skz duet/trio/whatever it's called song is TASTE or RED LIGHTS
idk. but at least BTS won it and won more daesangs. more than enough to last BTS & us ARMYs throughout this "hiatus" . BTS FOR THE WIN