Am I crazy for thinking both ArOTY and SOTY favors IVE / Love Dive?
IVE has 3 releases totalling 2.4M+ sales so they are actually extremely strong in the 30% physical when you add up them up. The 30% digital should be completely favoring IVE as well since all the releases even did quite ok on Spotify and obviously they should have completely dominated the accumulated K-digital in the tracking period.
As for SOTY it has to be Love Dive or TOMBOY, nothing else should be even close with these criteria. K-charts are virtually identical at this point, LD just snatched away the #1 spot for Circle Annual and will be taking Melon Annual #1 within a few weeks but they are more or less equal at this point. However, didn't Love Dive do quite a bit better on Spotify than Tomboy? That's 20% of the score.