Posts by LavenderBobaTea
EDAM best company
quit your job and move to a different continent
jeongyeon aesthetics!!!
why? What did mods do?
not sorting through anons carefully, deleting threads that try to explain situations, banning users for shitty reasons, etc.,
Many people leave or being inactive cause Mod are trash
citron for mod
make akp great again
I only posts funny and cool stuffs. Quality over quantity
it's nice to have quantity with your quality though
i don't have much of that
the need to use profanities is strong... but i am stronger
if it's by a singer who's important to me, i'll wait until i'm in a different mood or state to give it a second try
but if it's just a song i stumble across by a group or person i don't have any particular feelings about, i just leave it alone... tbh, i don't like the idea of listening to something repeatedly until you like it.
people like to engage with what they find familiar, because it's comforting to us. you're pretty much bound to like anything you listen to often enough, and spending that time repeating noise you don't like probably means you're missing out on music you would genuinely enjoy
It takes him awhile to make a thread. Penguin flippers don't type that quick unfortunately.
we need to make him a penguin speak to text app then
penguin oppar should make threads more often
they're top-tier
I think both are pretty
And jeongyeon and mina and all of twice... they're too perfect
firstly how the F did you find this thread my friend? lol
and secondly I agree - getting friendzoned is very real and everything else you mentioned is correct as well
it's because kids are young and haven't developed their brains yet to think beyond their carnal instincts - well a lot of kids anyway
if you scroll down to the bottom of akp on a thread, there's a list of similar posts to the one you're currently on
i was on a more recent thread, and found this one below it
so what i'm getting from this is that i'm mature
thanks mate
here or irl?
irl but online too
I'm conflicted about reaching out to people
Screenshot 2022-10-05 5.48.01 PM.png
Screenshot 2022-10-05 5.48.16 PM.png
i gave you your 32,000th reaction
always forget to tag