Posts by clownyy
I hate mosquitoes! I don't care if they bite me or not. An itchy pimple is so much better than a disgusting squeak in your ear in the middle of the night! How do they get into the apartment?? At night I use a special spray, I spray in the corners and it helps. But they are still hiding somewhere! For me, mosquitoes are one of the most significant disadvantages of summer. It's hard to sleep in the summer because of the heat, and there are those nasty insects flying around!
This whole convo is so cute, BTS will always be goofy relatable boys
External Content twitter.comContent embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.They are sooo nice~ I was a little confused by the thread title
Yes, but it is important to understand what do you mean by live without it. We have a lot of useful things here - maps and books, for example. We can use paper ones, but why, if we can just take the phone and not to waste wood? The other thing is a music. We can take our old MP3-players but we still can use our phone. So the right question is can we live without wasting time in the phone. I prefer to spend my time doing some sports like cycling with it or to cook something. And, of course, how can I live without my phone? I can see Hyuna only there!
Interesting question... I think once or twice a month
1. Cut down on beef, if possible. the methane and co2 emmitted just to make 2kg of beef is ridculously high. beef has the largest carbon impact of all meats, a shame bc it's really quite delicious. welp. anywy, a meatless monday (or tuesday, it doesn't have to be monday) also works. also growing your own food is good too. learn more at
2. Use reusable water bottles, metal utensils, cloth napkins, reusable shopping bags, etc, to reduce pollution. it also saves money! learn more at
3. there's a reason reduce comes first in "reduce, reuse, recycle" because it's the best. if you don't need it, pls don't.
4. make ecosia, oceanhero or ekoru your default broswer! ecosia is the best imho bc it doesn't use any of your personal information at all and is the most transparent about what it does with ad revenue. learn more at
5. join my opentabs leaderboard :) with every 5 tabs opened, a tree gets saved. learn more at
6. STOP MOWING YOUR DAMN LAWN. not only is it bad for the local wildlife, it's ableist af. how is it ableist, you ask? I am autistic and lawnmowers drive me up the wall with their noise, exhaust, grass clippings, and extremely short lawns give me a rash. ergo, lawnmowers are ableist. #logic
7. renewable energy, if you can afford it. if not, try to reduce your energy usage.
8. spread the word :) also please join my opentabs leaderboard :)
before anyone asks, I am NOT being paid by ecosia or oceanhero or ekoru. I merely care very much about the environment and if you ignore this post you are ableist /s
thank you :)
and!!!!!!!!!! USE LESS TOILET PAPER. or get a bidet. Lulu_Key 4NIA4 MY-Kwangya
very good point, i forgot that not everyone knows about those
have a kookie
Such a pleasure to see this post here.
About personal cars: now it is even inconvinient because of traffic lights. For me. it is much faster and cheaper to reach my destination by subway. -
OMG noooo! So disappointed
I LIKE eating rice with every kind of meat! I have chosen my rice cooker from here and now my rice became better than ever
! Today I had Bibimbap - this is rice with the cucumber, spinach, garlic, red pepper flakes, beef, eggs, gochujang, olive oil and soy souse (according to the recipe, all this products are important for Bibimbap). But I am not sure that the recipe is right because there are so many variations of Bibimbap and I do not know the right one
. It was my first trying
Want to cook other dishes from Korean cuisine. And also i had some great meat from this grill, it was amazing!
There are a lot of songs they left out that I'd like to fight them about
What songs?
His sense of humor is adorable
This post made me feel in a nostalgic way! I had my first attempt in sewing when I was 10 years old - my mom teached me how to fix the holes and how to sew a buttons. Actually, it wasn't bad! Then. 4 years later, I was hyptotized by my grandma's work with the sewing machine - I remember that is was Singer's, I guess this one or not - it doesn't matter. So I had a chance to sew an apron
OMG how hard it was! I had 4 or 5 attempts and the result was awful! But I decided to make friends with this evil Singer sewing machine, so the next project was an easy sleepwear. My grandmom is a person of total patience, so that sleepwear was good! And then I stopped using it because I had more important things as I thought
Now I think that I should get back to sewing to make some cosplay Hyuna clothes... Hope I can do it
This is a wonderful song, and it will be always very special to me. So glad to know that "Magic Shop" helps us to go on ...
Yup, one more opinion thread lol
Most of the time it’s idols acting extra is sooo cringy to me. It seems really fake, childish and overdone.
I remember watching IVE‘s shows and being surprised that I was actually able to watch 20 minutes of it without logging off.
Later I saw someone else say that they have no variety skills and having to extra member.
Maybe it’s just me being weird, idk, but I really prefer watching girls acting naturally and having fun in a normal manner.
Someone doesn’t need to be incredibly loud or sth like that in order to make it entertaining.
Agree. But anyway, idols are perfect whatever they do
I like Yujin soooo much
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I think this song with me FOREVER -
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LOVE IT!!!!! -
I guess that rich people can let themselves doing more things then usual man. So they stop value marriage too. Another reason (which I saw here and I agree) is that they bored with they everyday life. When they work, they feel strong, important people, and they need to feel it at home too. So they look for the special person
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