Posts by Serala

    Thank you :). Especially the second video made me laugh 😂

    :pepecute: How long have you been bff?

    Almost 10 years, so I don't get why she couldn't tell me.

    Like she moved away 7 years ago and we were still friends and met up at least once a year. And I even wrote to her "did something happen to you or do you not want to stay in contact anymore?" in January and in May she suddenly blocks me? Like I gave her the option to tell me and make a clean cut for both of us and she knows I prefer to be told what is happening instead of being left in the dark, so idk why she suddenly did it.

    And she only blocked me and not "our" other bff (which she has stopped contacting 2 years ago and didn't really get along with that well anymore) and who is still friends with me... I just don't get it. After almost 10 years one would think that after I gave her the option to tell me honestly, that she would actually use it or at least continue ignoring me forever or block me back in January

    Sex education is important but I believe it shouldn't taught earlier than age 10 (I was that age and for me personally it was a year or so too early). I personally don't really believe in gender because whenever someone tries to explain it or why they want to be another gender or no gender (especially female born people), they use stereotypical and sexist gender roles.

    Like I don't care if you are a boy and wear a dress or something like that or if you as a girl get more along with boys, but don't stereotype especially girls with it and force them back into the whole gender roles sh*t like liking pink, wearing dresses, cooking etc. You don't need a new gender to explain why you are interested in the stereotypical things the other sex enjoys more. The whole gender debate seems to be based on wanting to be accepted by society for not liking the stereotypical things and trying to fit everyone again into a role, instead of accepting that we are individuals and not just a gender.

    Like I call others their right pronouns etc. and it doesn't bother me, but the reason pronouns exist is to refer to someone's sex and the therefore resulting appearance (like guys are mostly taller and have beards etc.) and making things easier when talking to someone about people and not what gender they feel comfortable with and therefore being called with their preferred pronouns which were intended to be used for the sex of a person.

    Children already screw up enough their grammar and spelling etc. in primary school, so why confuse them at a young age even more with gender and the pronoun debate? The topic sexuality is pretty much there unconsciously the whole time (and children notice it often early), which is why it makes sense to teach it, especially before the girls start to get into puberty and maybe some of them get pushed by older boys (because girls even at age 12 date more older guys than vice versa) to get intimate, so they should at least understand what happens and how they can at least be safe during it

    - Magic Kaito (a Detective Conan spin off & I like magic tricks etc. and his battle with the police)

    - Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne (but it is really girly. I watched it as a child and liked the art style, but it is not everyone's favourite and the manga has more interesting details, which they didn't all included. The main protagonist has to exorcise demons from art works and because they vanish after she exorcises them for God, the police call her a thief etc.)

    - Devil's Line (it is a modern vampire anime with only 12 episodes and I wish it was longer. Basically the vampires are seen as monsters and scum of the society, no matter what they do and it has a lot of action in it because the vampires go crazy thanks to even one drop of blood and the special enforcement has to stop them. And is imo underrated)

    - Psycho Pass (maybe? At least season 1. In season 2 one of the main characters is kind of annoying. But the movie was cool. It is sometimes a little bit bloody and psychological. Basically everyone in Japan's future society has a psycho pass, which shows how calm or insane a person is and depending on how bad the score is, they get locked up or killed. The anti-hero and villan both question the system, because the system doesn't work on the villain no matter what he does etc. and the protagonist is at the beginning the innocent and firm believer of the system etc.)

    - Death Parade (a short anime, where both protagonists watch 2 people battle each other in games to decide who ends up in the void and who in heaven and the Male protagonists decides based on their past and behaviour during the game, who is going where)

    - Seraph of the End (tbh I didn't complete it because I was busy, but it also has to do with vampires and a virus, which kind of almost destroys humanity and fighting against the vampires etc.)

    - Tokyo Ghoul season 1 (I didn't bother to watch season two, because that season is already in the manga trash and it gets better with "Tokyo Ghoul: re" again)